I want to export my .org file to pdf, with a table of contents. But I don't want the table of contents to be printed in the first page of the document. Rather I want the table of contents to be embedded in the pdf file as bookmars. For example, see the figure:
How do I do this?
Currently the first lines of my .org file look like this:
#+OPTIONS: num:nil
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
If I remove the #+OPTIONS: num:nil
option, I get the desired PDF index (thanks @NickD). But then the sections get automatic numbers which I want to remove.
Is there a way to get the PDF index, and also remove section numbering?
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
to get rid of the table of contents in the first page of the document. Now I only need to get the table of contents embedded in the file. There is a way to do this in latex.#+BEGIN_EXPORT latex
block?#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{bookmark}
at the first line of my org file but nothing happens.hyperref
package: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/42343/…