I use elpy as Python IDE. I want M-<left> and M-<right> (M = alt) not to be overridden by elpy with elpy-nav-indent-shift-left and elpy-nav-indent-shift-left but insted bind these to something else.

Here's what I tried in my .emacs:

(eval-after-load "elpy"
     (define-key elpy-mode-map (kbd "M-<left>") nil)
     (define-key elpy-mode-map (kbd "M-<right>") nil)
     (define-key elpy-mode-map (kbd "M-s-<left>") (elpy-nav-indent-shift-left))
     (define-key elpy-mode-map (kbd "M-s-<right>") (elpy-nav-indent-shift-right))

M-<left> and M-<right> now do left-word and right-word as intended. The other bindings however just yield

<M-s-left> is undefined
<M-s-right> is undefined

Why is it not working?

2 Answers 2



 (define-key elpy-mode-map (kbd "M-s-<left>") 'elpy-nav-indent-shift-left)
 (define-key elpy-mode-map (kbd "M-s-<right>") 'elpy-nav-indent-shift-right)

EDIT: using use-package and bind-keys one can do the following to get what you are after (might be an overkill if you are not using it yet)

(use-package elpy
  :ensure t
  (unbind-key "M-<left>" elpy-mode-map)
  (unbind-key "M-<right>" elpy-mode-map)
  (bind-keys :map elpy-mode-map
           ("M-s-<left>" . elpy-nav-indent-shift-left)
           ("M-s-<right>" . elpy-nav-indent-shift-right)))
  • 2
    This solved it. I guess in the long run learning some elisp would pay off, even only from a user perspective... Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 12:09
  • Learning elisp would certainly pay off. I'm also only a user and would in this case use use-package and bind-keys which I hope will produce the right thing which was pointed out by @nickd I will update the post, to show what I mean.
    – andrej
    Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 16:52

(elpy-nav-indent-shift-left) is a function call in lisp. You want to bind the key to the function, but instead you've bound it to whatever the function call returns. The best way IMO (but see @Drew's comment below) to do that is to say (function <name>), so e.g.

 (define-key elpy-mode-map (kbd "M-s-<left>") (function elpy-nav-indent-shift-left))

There is a reader macro that is equivalent:

(define-key elpy-mode-map (kbd "M-s-<left>") #'elpy-nav-indent-shift-left) 

but most people write the quoted form as in the accepted answer:

(define-key elpy-mode-map (kbd "M-s-<left>") 'elpy-nav-indent-shift-left) 

although the first two forms are (again IMO) preferable. The Elisp manual says this:

-- Special Form: function function-object

This special form returns FUNCTION-OBJECT without evaluating it.
 In this, it is similar to ‘quote’ (*note Quoting).  But unlike
 ‘quote’, it also serves as a note to the Emacs evaluator and
 byte-compiler that FUNCTION-OBJECT is intended to be used as a
 function.  Assuming FUNCTION-OBJECT is a valid lambda expression,
 this has two effects:

   • When the code is byte-compiled, FUNCTION-OBJECT is compiled
      into a byte-code function object (*note Byte Compilation::).

   • When lexical binding is enabled, FUNCTION-OBJECT is converted
      into a closure.  *Note Closures::.

The read syntax ‘#'’ is a short-hand for using ‘function’. The following forms are all equivalent:

(lambda (x) (* x x))
(function (lambda (x) (* x x)))
#'(lambda (x) (* x x))
  • FWIW, I disagree with your characterization of The "real" way to bind a key to a function (a command, actually). There's nothing wrong with using a command symbol in a key-binding function (e.g. define-key, global-set-key). The byte compiler and the interpreter follow a function symbol to its function. And the Emacs doc itself uses just function symbols - see, e.g., node Init Rebinding. But there are other contexts than key binding where it makes sense to prefer #', to tell the compiler about a function.
    – Drew
    Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 17:46
  • (That said, your first two sentences are a good answer.)
    – Drew
    Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 17:51
  • OK - I softened it a bit, but I still think that #'foo is "better" than 'foo even in this case.
    – NickD
    Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 18:09
  • Yes, it certainly doesn't hurt in this case.
    – Drew
    Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 18:56

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