Suppose I'd like to set a task for tomorrow for me to check if a cron job of mine ran at the proper time.
So, I add to my org file:
** TODO check if cronjob has run at 5:00
SCHEDULED: <2018-12-03 Mon>
However, this is output in my agenda as:
5:00...... Scheduled: TODO check if cronjob has run at
which is not quite what I expected, which would be, for this particular task to be shown in the agenda scheduled for 2018-12-03, but with no particular time associated with it. Also the time "5:00" should not be stripped from the heading.
Org's documentation states that:
A timestamp can appear anywhere in the headline or body of an Org tree entry.
However, my "5:00" does not obey the timestamp syntax (no <>
or []
Is there an "opt-out" of this behavior from Org to get timestamp information from heading content? Or am I missing something here?
I'm using Org version 9.1.14 (up to date org-plus-contrib from