I've started using org-mode and am now at the point where I really need archiving. However, I often have sub-projects which are hard to understand without the containing project (i.e., the ancestors in the tree).

Is it possible to archive a subtree while creating the super-tree (if it does not exist yet)?

Concrete example. Say my gtd.org file looks like this:

* Private
** TODO Organize all my Todos

* Work
** TODO Awesome Project
*** DONE Organize all my Todos
**** DONE Do X
**** DONE Do Y
*** TODO Get Work Done

And my gtd.org_archive file is empty. Now, when I archive the "DONE Organize all my Todos" task, this is what I want my archive file to look like:

* Work
** Awesome Project
*** DONE Organize all my Todos
**** DONE Do X
**** DONE Do Y

Obviously, when later archiving other stuff, it should figure out whether the containing tree must be created or is already there. E.g., if I later set the "Get Work Done" to DONE and archive it, this is how the archive should look like:

* Work
** Awesome Project
*** DONE Organize all my Todos
**** DONE Do X
**** DONE Do Y
*** DONE Get Work Done

It should not create a new * Work / ** Awesome Project tree. However, when I later archive the "Organize all my Todos" under "Private", it should not be mixed up with the one under work, but look like this:

* Private
** DONE Organize all my Todos

* Work
** Awesome Project
*** DONE Organize all my Todos
**** DONE Do X
**** DONE Do Y
*** DONE Get Work Done

Is there any way of achieving this using org-mode?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


In the org mode FAQ is a link to code from edgimar which should be able to preserve the structure.

I'm unsure if I should insert the code here or if it's too long for that. I'll open this answer as wiki in case someone else wants to decide.

  • Can't find the Wiki checkbox in the app, will change from home.
    – p_wiersig
    Commented Feb 13, 2019 at 11:08
  • Great, that's pretty much what I was looking for! However, for some reason the save-buffer command in line 115 seems not to work - emacs keeps asking me whether I really want to kill the unsaved buffer. I removed the kill-buffer and save the buffer manually now. However, I still wonder why save-buffer seems to be ignored… Commented Feb 13, 2019 at 13:33
  • Oh, that's probably because save-buffer always saves the current buffer. That worked for edgimar, because he archived in the same file, but I use a separate archive file… I guess it should be something along the lines of: (when (not (eq source-buffer target-buffer)) (with-current-buffer target-buffer (save-buffer) ) ) Commented Feb 13, 2019 at 13:39

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