I'd like to create a window layout like so:

    a      |    b
    d      |    c 

This is so that I can cycle from a -> b -> c -> d (clockwise). The following doesn't quite work.. the cycling order is a -> d -> b -> c

  (other-window 1)
  (other-window -1)
  (split-window nil nil 'above))
  • The function window-in-direction can be used to see if there is something 'above, 'below, 'left, 'right. E.g, (if (window-in-direction 'above) (select-window ....)), and (cond ((window-in-direction 'above) ...) ...). The function window-in-direction returns the window it finds, or nil if none. See the doc-string for more information regarding optional arguments, etc. M-x describe-function aka C-h f.
    – lawlist
    Mar 20, 2019 at 20:45
  • There's no way to create windows that will be ordered in such way. If you want to cycle through them that way, you'll need to write a custom window movement command.
    – user12563
    Mar 20, 2019 at 21:25


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