In latex mode, using \( ... \) is preferred over $ ... $, so in my configuration I have the following

(sp-local-pair modes "$" nil :actions :rem)
(sp-local-pair modes "\\(" "\\)" :trigger "$")

This way, when I try to insert $ the pair \( \) are inserted instead. This works well, however, for some reason if I select some text and press $ the pair \( \) are inserted after the text instead of wrapping the text with them.

If I press \( instead the selected text is wrapped correctly.

Is there a way to fix this so that if I press $ with a selected text, the text is wrapped with \( ... \)?

  • Does it work if you add :trigger-wrap "$" after :trigger "$"?
    – jagrg
    Commented May 9, 2019 at 17:05
  • No, that did not work.
    – Tohiko
    Commented May 13, 2019 at 8:37
  • I see the issue now with emacs -Q. In addition to adding :trigger-wrap "$" I also had to require smartparens-latex. If that works for you we'll have to dig there to answer your question.
    – jagrg
    Commented May 14, 2019 at 14:30

1 Answer 1


In addition to @jagrg suggestion (to add :trigger-wrap "$") I found everything works as expected if I don't remove the $ pair from my modes

I.e., I had to comment out this line

(sp-local-pair 'latex-mode "$" nil :actions :rem)

This line alone does the trick

(sp-local-pair 'latex-mode "\\(" "\\)" :trigger "$" :trigger-wrap "$")

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