Trying here to set color for executable files, as it is for ls command!

How can I do that?

I've already managed to set color for certains file extensions, using Diredful package, but couldn't do it according to it's mode!

2 Answers 2


Define "executable file" and a file's "mode".

If you mean something that ls recognizes as executable and flags as such, with an asterisk (*), when you use ls switch F, then Dired+ highlights that. It uses face `` for the asterisk.

;; For this to show up, you need `F' among the options in `dired-listing-switches'.
;; For example, I use "-alF" for `dired-listing-switches'.
(defface diredp-executable-tag
    '((t (:foreground "Red")))
  "Face used for executable tag (*) on file names in Dired buffers."
  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
  • Would you know how I could install Dired+? As of Emacs 26 it doens't seems to be available in MELPA Stable!
    – Baraujo85
    Commented Aug 8, 2019 at 23:51
  • See Dired+. The library is here: dired+.el. Put it in a directory that is in your load-path (user option), then put (require 'dired) in your init file.
    – Drew
    Commented Aug 9, 2019 at 0:18
  • That just worked swiftly! But my problem I've solved with diredful-add, then named Type Name, which was Executables. In pattern I entered $*, to match those binaries with * at the end! And in Pattern Type just selected the last option, which was "Regexp on whole line (starting from the first permission column) including file name." So that way now I see the executable files highlighted in colors in Dired mode itself, and not only in Shell mode!
    – Baraujo85
    Commented Aug 9, 2019 at 1:01

For a non-dired-plus version, I use this code to highlight executable files in dired-mode by using the face helm-ff-executable (it can be changed to any other face up to preference):

   (list dired-re-exe
         '(".+" (dired-move-to-filename) nil (0 'helm-ff-executable)))

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