Here's what I'm trying to make happen: on startup, I want emacs to split vertically into two windows displaying two different files, with my to-do list on the left side of the screen and my notes on the right.

I've already set things up to automatically split the screen into two buffers by adding (split-window-right) to my init file. I've also set it to automatically load the two files I want, using (find-file...). But I can't figure out how to assign a different file to each window at startup. Instead, it's just loading the same buffer in both windows.

Any help?

  • Check out the examples in my answer to a similar question and see if one of them suits your needs: emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/26967/… The third optional argument to split-window is the direction: 'left, 'right, 'below, and 'above.
    – lawlist
    Sep 14, 2019 at 5:36


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