Emacs-lisp-mode distinguishes multiple kinds of comments.

  • ; is an "end of line" comment when following code, or a "right-margin" comment obeying comment-column when indented with indent-for-tab-command. This style is partcilularly useful for commenting on a code detail, since the indentation and alignment deemphasizes the comment.
  • ;; will be aligned with the indentation of surrounding code and is especially useful as a header of code sections or for longer comment text, where necessary.

I haven't seen this distinction in other modes; indent-for-comment (M-;) will happily indent to comment-column for end-of-line comments, but comments on their own line seem to be indented like ;;, not like ;.

Is there some way to make emacs allow ; style indentation also for other modes, such as shell-script-mode?

if [ $THIS_IS = $A_CODE_LINE ]; then
                           # I want to be able to comment
                           # on the right-side margin
    ## and inline with
    the code
  • clojure-mode uses this feature, I think it is unique to linting in lisps. Commented Sep 24, 2019 at 14:32


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