I am generating a sparse tree typically using a regex (, / r ). What I am trying to do is get an overview of where in my document a match occurs, not the exact positions of the matches. So, if I have a heading with several kilobytes of plain text underneath that contains a match, I don't want my sparse tree to show the plain text, only the relevant heading.

So, given a doc:

* H1
** H2.1
** H2.2
** H2.3

And a sparse tree generated for regex foo, I would want to see something like

* H1
** H2.1
** H2.3

1 Answer 1


Looks like outline-hide-body does exactly what you want:

Hide all body lines in buffer, leaving all headings visible.

Note that this does not hide the lines preceding the first heading line.

So after creating the sparse tree use M-x outline-hide-body RET.

Or create a custom command that calls org-occur and hides the body lines afterwards:

(defun my-org-occur-and-hide-content ()
  "Interactively call `org-occur' and hide body lines after."
  (call-interactively #'org-occur)

Call it with M-x my-org-occur-and-hide-content RET.

Result with the example from the question:

enter image description here

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