I'm trying to define some data in json file and use the file name in another bloc as command parameter. Something like that:

The data:
#+BEGIN_SRC json
  "Foo": "Bar"

... and the script
#+BEGIN_SRC json
do_something_with_json $the_data

Is it possible?


1 Answer 1


Read (org) var for the capabilities. As far as I know, you can't reference a src block without run it, but you can reference a literal example, for example, you have put your json data into an EXAMPLE block

#+NAME: json_data
  "method": "+",
  "params": [1, 2, 3]

then you can reference the json data via its NAME

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :var x=json_data
echo $x | jq .method

: +

here is another use

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var x=json_data
(let-alist (let ((json-array-type 'list))
             (json-read-from-string x))
  (apply (intern .method) .params))

: 6

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