Recently LSP has stopped working for me.
I'm getting this message for all files in my project.
LSP :: example_filename.c not in project or it is blacklisted.
How can I investigate this, if it's blacklisted, how can I reset the blacklist?
I somehow managed to blacklist my own project, removing .lsp-session-v1
resolved the issue.
This could be located in either:
Although I might have been able to solve this using lsp-workspace-blacklist-remove
@capitrane comment had the answer for me: M-x
from within the project, and it started to work.
, so I have no idea whether what you quote is a function or a variable. I also have no idea how exactly to call the function/set the variable to add the folder. I can guess and I know how to get around the docs to figure out how to use it, but a noob might not. So by all means, credit @capitrane, make his/her comment an answer, but don't just copy the comment: you spent some time to make it work for you, so explain it in enough detail to enable a naive user to use it.
on Emacs's side, and some LSP server on the other side but I can't begin to guess about that other side).lsp-workspace-folders-add