I set up the org-capture-template as
(setq org-capture-templates
'(("d" "Diary" plain
(file+function "~/Documents/OrgMode/ORG/src/todo.today.org"
my-org-goto-last-today-headline) "\n%?")
("p" "Procedure" item
(file+function "~/Documents/OrgMode/ORG/src/todo.today.org"
my-org-goto-last-procedures-headline) "%i%?")
When insert a plan, it seems working properly.
Unfortunately, after strike "C-c C-c" to finalize the capturing, an ID property will be appended automatically to the heading as
** Procedures
:ID: ea33d47e-db77-471a-b5d3-60546248272d
- Question about "How to delete the properties automatically inserted? "
I referenced the Capture-template for "template-elments", "template expansions" and "template in contexts", but did not find variables which define how to add a ID property.
I don't want the ID property, where could I cancel it from appending automatically?
emacs -Q
? What is the value oforg-capture-prepare-finalize-hook