I would like to be able to insert the current time with a shortcut when I schedule a task.

There is the "." for jumping to the current day (today), but I have not been able to figure out a shortcut to put the current time (now) in the org-schedule input line. I tried putting in "now", but it does not take effect.

The shortcut is useful if I have some Tasks scheduled without time for the day and would like to set them on the agenda time grid. Also when I get a unplanned tasks that I have to do right away this would be useful.

I know there is the C-u C-u C-c . command to insert a current timestamp, but it does not work in the date/time prompt.

Any idea is appreciated.

  • I don't know of such a shortcut. But you can do C-u C-u C-. on the scheduled date after you enter it the buffer with org-read-date.
    – NickD
    Apr 9, 2020 at 22:23
  • Thanks, you inspired me to use template expansion. If I add the line (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("S" "SCHEDULED: ?")) to my configuration I can type <S and hit TAB to expand it to SCHEDULED: . Then I can use the (corrected - sorry) shortcut for insert timestamp. It is still kind of cumbersome though. Apr 10, 2020 at 7:22
  • ... I think I misunderstood. Could you give an example on how to use org-read-date Apr 10, 2020 at 7:53
  • When you do C-c C-s and you are asked to enter a date, you are using org-read-date underneath the covers. IOW, what I suggested is you just enter a SCHEDULED: date without worrying about the time. Aftet that date has been entered into the buffer (either directly or during org-capture), then you place the cursor on the date and do C-u C-u C-c . to add the time.
    – NickD
    Apr 10, 2020 at 15:15
  • Thanks for explaining @NickD! This way is better than looking the time up and entering it manually. So def. an improvement. I would prefer some equivalent to "." for today, though ;-) Apr 10, 2020 at 22:40

1 Answer 1


This is not a pure emacs way, but more of a hack. Still it works pretty good in day to day use:

The software espanso works on linux, mac and windows and expands keys similar to the package yasnippet.

On their documentation there is an example how to match the current time to :now, which solves the problem for me. It worked basically everywhere I needed it for now, also in emacs interactive dialogues. Its good enough until there is a native way.


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