I would like to setup my org-capture template for meetings so that I get automatically clocked into the meeting header on the day and time of the meeting. So given:

* Meeting with client
  SCHEDULED: <2020-05-01 Fri 09:00-09:30>

I would like to be clocked into that issue on Friday morning at 9am.

  • 1
    A bit off topic, but you may want to look at the intent of 'schedule' in org: orgmode.org/manual/Deadlines-and-Scheduling.html. "Scheduling an item in Org mode should not be understood in the same way that we understand scheduling a meeting..."
    – glucas
    Commented Apr 29, 2020 at 0:30
  • Thanks for the link! That note is interesting... In the example they use an (admittedly humourous) example for the SCHEDULED keyword as a reminder to call someone. The note then continues after the part you quoted: "In Org mode, scheduling means setting a date when you want to start working on an action item." I'm finding it a little hard to understand why a meeting isn't pretty much exactly a combination of a "reminder" and "something to work on". I clock my meetings and I also make notes under my meeting headers, I assumed most people did this.
    – alecvn
    Commented Apr 29, 2020 at 21:41
  • 2
    See emacs.stackexchange.com/a/10506/780 for more discussion. It probably does not matter for your workflow, but you could be using a plain timestamp (C-c .), which is what org recommends for meetings/appointments that occur at a specific time and then are over. Scheduling is more about when tasks should start showing up, and has different semantics if you don't complete the task when you planned to.
    – glucas
    Commented Apr 29, 2020 at 21:59
  • After reading your answer there I think it finally clicked. Thanks
    – alecvn
    Commented Apr 30, 2020 at 8:25

1 Answer 1


If you just want to have these meetings reflected in your clock data afterwards for reporting purposes, I don't think you need to actually clock in and out? You can just add the clock data directly:

CLOCK: [2020-05-01 Fri 09:00]--[2020-05-01 Fri 09:30] => 0:30

You could come up with a capture template to let you enter the start/end times and put them in both the timestamp and the clock record. Another approach might be a function to scan an org file for meetings and add the clock info, i.e. something you run at the time you want to review the clock data.

  • Thanks. I thought there might be a setting I was missing in org-capture. To be honest, I thought :clock-in t would do that, instead of what it does.
    – alecvn
    Commented Apr 29, 2020 at 21:43
  • 1
    No, the clock commands are really geared towards interactive time tracking. I don't believe Emacs (or Org) has any built-in mechanism for triggering actions on a particular date, actually. Emacs has timers which are more for repeating or near-term things (run this command every 30 minutes, or in 2 hours).
    – glucas
    Commented Apr 29, 2020 at 22:13

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