I'm hoping to replicate my manual weekly capture template using the more baked-in functionality.

Given this org-capture-template:

("z" "Test" entry (file+olp+datetree "~/docs/eng-log.org" "Worklog") "**** TODO %?" :tree-type week)

I'd like this output:

* Worklog
** 2020
*** 2020-W39
**** TODO testing?

Instead, I get this:

* Worklog
** 2020
*** 2020-W39
**** 2020-09-22 Tuesday
***** TODO testing?

Is there a way to remove the day marker?


1 Answer 1


You can override the function org-datetree-find-iso-week-create and remove the part that add the day entry.

Here is the source of the original function: https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode/src/master/lisp/org-datetree.el#L111

Just remove the last org-datetree--find-create call.

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