I have the following in my org-mode buffer:

#+name: my-element-name

and then I made a link to that:

and here is a link to [[my-element-name]].

According to the org-mode manual on internal links, that ought to work, but when I try to following the link with C-c C-o, I get an error: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil.

I'm using org 9.4 from ELPA; I've used edebug on some of the functions and it seems that something isn't working deep inside org-link-search but I couldn't figure out where. I see some regexp matching in that function...this seems like something that ought to work.

Using NAME instead of "name" didn't make a difference.

Is this expected to work? It seems like it.

(More generally, what's the difference between "dedicated targets" -- the ones <<like-this>> -- versus "named elements" with #+NAME: some-name-here?)

1 Answer 1


A name keyword is an "affiliated" keyword: it is affiliated to the following element, so it cannot exist on its own.


#+name: my-table
| a | b |

#+name: my-code-block
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(message "foo")


If you do M-x org-lint in your buffer, you'll see something like this:

     6 low   Orphaned affiliated keyword: "NAME"
    17 high  Unknown fuzzy location "my-element-name"
  • Thanks! However, when I run org-lint, I get: 17 files scanned, 16 files contains IDs, and 908 IDs found. Not enough arguments for format string.
    – Dan Drake
    Oct 1, 2020 at 10:13
  • No idea why you get that - can you M-x toggle-debug-on-error RET and try the org-lint again? If you get a decent backtrace, maybe you can open another question on that or send a bug report with M-x org-submit-bug-report RET, including the backtrace in the bug report.
    – NickD
    Oct 1, 2020 at 13:25

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