I've got a small problem to do with Doom Emacs / Emacs. Enum contents are not indented at all...

Here's what I would like:

enum class RandomEnum

Here's what I get:

enum class RandomEnum

How can I go about fixing this? I'm sure that there a simple option I can put in my config? Thank you in advance.

  • 1
    Sorry, this isn't enough information to go off. Which major mode is this in? Can you reproduce the issue from emacs -Q? If not, can you recursively bisect your configuration to determine the source of the behaviour? Etc. If you discover a bug in a built-in mode, please report it to the Emacs bug tracker via M-x report-emacs-bug RET; if it's a bug in a third-party package, report it to their bug tracker / maintainer.
    – Basil
    Commented Dec 9, 2020 at 21:21

1 Answer 1


Emacs comes with some preconfigured C/C++ Styles.
You can change the indentation style of the current buffer with C-c .

When you have chosen a style and only want to temporary/test adjust a few offsets C-c C-o helps. Emacs indentation styles can be modified very fine grained.

You can also set a default style by changing the alist c-default-style

Given the above information, the elisp code following will set the indentation style "stroustrup" as default style for c++ source code. Then it modifies this style to give the indentation for your example:

(defun change-c-style (c-style-name option-section add-options)
  "function to easily change a predefined indentation style."
  (let ((tmp (assoc option-section (assoc c-style-name c-style-alist))))
    (when tmp
      (setf (cdr tmp) (append (cdr tmp) add-options))))  )

(require 'cc-mode) ;; load up c++-mode environment
(push '(c++-mode . "stroustrup") c-default-style) ;; make "stroustrup" the default style for c++ files
(change-c-style "stroustrup" 'c-offsets-alist '((brace-list-open . 0) (brace-list-intro . ++))) ;; modify the "stroustrup" style with above defined function

Evaling above elisp code and then opening a c++-file will give you the wanted indentation by pressing tab

Above code is meant as a working example, because your question did not deliver enough information about your current environment.

  • Thank you very much! This worked very nicely!
    – Krys
    Commented Dec 10, 2020 at 17:27

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