In Excel etc it is possible to delete a cell in a column and have the cells below it "shift up" without affecting the content of the other columns. I haven't found a command for this in org-mode, is there one?

Example: In the following table I want to delete the cell Banana.

| Cars  | Fruits |
| Volvo | Apple  |
| Saab  | Banana |
| Ford  | Pear   |

This should be the result:

| Cars  | Fruits |
| Volvo | Apple  |
| Saab  | Pear   |
| Ford  |        |

Now ideally if I were to additionally delete Volvo the table would look like this:

| Cars | Fruits |
| Saab | Apple  |
| Ford | Pear   |

1 Answer 1


Here's a function I wrote,

(defun org-table-collapse-cell ()
  (save-excursion ;; Save point
    (org-table-blank-field) ;; Blank the cell
    (while (progn ;; Swap blank cell with a cell under it until the blank is at the bottom.
         (org-table--move-cell 'down)

It's very rough and calling it on Volvo and Banana yields

| Cars | Fruits |
| Saab | Apple  |
| Ford | Pear   |
|      |        |

Which, I think should be enough you can delete the empty row yourself.

  • 1
    Rolling your own seems like a good solution. I made a small change which handles the error from org-table--move-cell and also restores the point a bit better than save-excursion. (defun org-table-collapse-cell () (interactive) (let ((pt (point))) (org-table-blank-field) (condition-case nil (while (org-table-check-inside-data-field) (org-table--move-cell 'down) (org-table-align)) (user-error nil)) (goto-char pt))) Commented May 17, 2021 at 9:44

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