I have the following line in my .emacs to keep auto-saved files in a specific directory:
(setq backup-directory-alist (quote ((".*" . "C:/temp/emacsbackup"))))
And it works, I see the file, say "c:/myworkingdirectory/the_current_working_file", in that C:/temp/emacsbackup as "!drive_c!myworkingdirectory!the_current_working_file".
However, whenever I change the content in the_current_working_file, before I save it, I also see this two files in the working directory c:/myworkingdirectory/:
When I save the file the_current_working_file, these two backup disappear.
How do I prevent emacs from creating these two backups in the current working directory?
C-h i g (emacs) Auto Save
and read the whole section. In particular, when disaster strikes, you might be thankful to have those files. BTW, auto-save and backup are different things.