I'm trying to create an org capture template that will just insert a second level point: "** 2021/07/16"
(or whatever the current date is).
I expect this setq example to do that:
(setq org-capture-templates
("d" "Daily" entry (file "~/notes/daily.org") "** %Y/%m/%d %?")))
However what it inserts instead is:
* %Y/%m/%d
(first level point instead of second level, and the literal %Y etc instead of the date)
This is based on (probably a poor) reading of org-capture examples with slight adjustment. I have at most a basic understanding of org mode and emacs so please feel free to explain any principles that I've missed.
I'm also using spacemacs, in case that is relevant. This setq
command is inside my defun dotspacemacs/user-config