I am currently running Doom Emacs and using org-mode. When I try to move a file to the front of the agenda file list (C-c [), It is updating the custom.el
file, rather than the config.el
In my config.el
file, I have it set up like so:
;; set up org mode
(after! org
(setq org-agenda-files '("~/Dropbox/org-roam/20210908114649-inbox.org" ))
Moving a file to the front of the agenda list works correctly in the current session, but because it's updating the custom.el
file, when I restart emacs, the changes are not applied.
Any ideas?
at the end of your init file. See Saving Customizations in the Emacs manual (available at your local Emacs withC-h i g(emacs)Saving customizations