I've noticed that when I execute ess-eval-line-visibly-and-step
inside an R-mode buffer and I don't already have an active R session, it will split the screen (good), however it will change both sides of the split into the R session (bad). I would expect it to split the screen and show the R session on one side (ideally the right) and leave the R-mode buffer on the other side (ideally the left).
The only bit of my init.el referencing ESS is
(use-package ess
:ensure t
:defer t
(setq ess-ask-for-ess-directory nil ;; just run R wherever
;; the file lives
ess-history-file nil ;; don't save history
ess-eval-visibly-p nil ;; when running R, don't
;; show code, just output
;; (greatly speeds
;; running)
"--no-restore --no-save --quiet" ;; R startup conditions
ess-style 'RStudio ;; better indenting
comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input t ;; force ESS to scroll R
;; to the bottom after
;; running code
comintq-scroll-to-bottom-on-output t
comint-scroll-show-maximum-output t
comint-move-point-for-output t))
I've commented out all the setq
and it doesn't fix the issue.
What can I do to change the way this works? Is it a bug, a configuration issue, or some other problem?
I've run emacs -Q
, then run:
(require 'package)
(setq package-load-list
'((ess t)))
And the issue still persists. Emacs 27.2 and ESS 20220225.1523.
, activater-mode
, then runess-eval-line-visibly-and-step
and I get the dual R windows as described above.package-initialize
like that will load all of your packages. So it's possible there's an interaction between ess and something else you've loaded. See step 1b here: emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/28429/…