I cannot find a way to intercept the output when I evaluate a scheme code block as below (I'm trying with Geiser):
#+NAME: test
#+BEGIN_SRC scheme :session sicp :lexical t :results output verbatim replace
(define a (list 2 3 4))
(set-car! a 9)
#+RESULTS: test
: Geiser Interpreter produced no output
This seems to not be possible with Geiser at all as answered on this other question
Is there's another scheme mode that can support my use case?
I just want to get the output from a scheme REPL as in:
#+NAME: test
#+BEGIN_SRC scheme :session sicp :lexical t :results output verbatim replace
(define a (list 2 3 4))
(set-car! a 9)
#+RESULTS: test
(9 3 4)
The software versions I'm using are:
- GNU Emacs 28.1
- Doom 3.0-dev (can't find a better version than the SHA1 commit
) - org 9.6
- chez scheme 9.5.8