Q: how can I use a Gmail app password with smtp?
Google recently disabled the "less secure apps" option for Gmail,
so I went ahead and created an app
so I could continue to access my Gmail account from the comfort of
Emacs (mu4e
+ offlineimap).
offlineimap (and therefore mu4e
) is able to access my account
when using the app password I generated, so that part is working.
However, I cannot send any messages. Every time I try, I get an
error message that reads:
https://support.google.com/mail/?p=InvalidSecondFactor i20-20020a05620a249400b006a6ce613c7csm10357803qkn.89 - gsmtp in response to AUTH
(Yes, I have turned on 2-factor authentication as required to generate an app password.)
I have updated my smtp credentials with:
(setq smtpmail-auth-credentials
"[email protected]"
What am I missing here?