I mean : in a simple way..

(let ((calc-language 'latex))(calc-eval "1/2 + 1/4")) ; =>\frac{1}{12}
(let ((calc-language 'C))(calc-eval "1/2 + 1/4")) ; =>3/4

Of course, no problem if I use parenthesis :

(let ((calc-language 'latex))(calc-eval "(1/2) + (1/4)")) ; =>\frac{3}{4}

But I find that a bit boring.

2 Answers 2


I evaluated the following form:

  (put 'latex' math-oper-table (math-standard-ops))

then this one which evaluates the desired value:

  (let ((calc-language 'latex))(calc-eval "1/2 + 1/4")); =>\frac{3}{4}

I don't know if there are any unwanted side effects or not, but it seems like this is exactly what I asked for.

To enable it by default, I put:

(with-eval-after-load 'calc-lang (put 'latex' math-oper-table (math-standard-ops)))

in my init file.


Here's a macro I've been using to do something similar (in this package):

(defmacro with-calc-language (lang &rest body)
  "Execute the forms in BODY with `calc-language` set to LANG.
The value of `calc-language` is restored after BODY has been
  `(let ((old-lang calc-language))
           (calc-set-language ,lang)
       (calc-set-language old-lang))))

(with-calc-language 'latex
                    (calc-eval "1/2 + 1/4")) ; => "\\frac{3}{4}"

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