Is there a reasonable way to evaluate elisp within a bookmarks file in Emacs?
For example, I bookmark all of my typical remote file paths and am in the middle of trying to get a dynamic IP address set up on a local machine. I have the following lines in my file '~/.emacs.d/bookmarks':
(filename . "/scp:[email protected]:/file/path/"))
But without setting a dynamic host, a network reset can change the path to something like "/scp:[email protected]"
. A handy solution for the time being would be to evaluate something like
(setq my-remote-ip "10.112.X.X")
at initialization and then have the following in the bookmarks file:
(filename . (concat "/scp:tdstoff@" my-remote-ip ":/file/path/"))).
Is something like this reasonably possible? Currently I get a completion related error:
Error in post-command-hook (vertico--exhibit): (wrong-type-argument stringp (concat my-remote-ip "/scp:[email protected]:/file/path/"))