I have installed paredit & need to turnoff smartparens. I checked this answer and I have added
(advice-add #'smartparens-mode :before-until (lambda (&rest args) t))
to my prelude starter kit. Now when I restart emacs I get this error
Symbol's function definition is void: advice-add
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with the `--debug-init' option to view a complete error backtrace.
When i run emacs with
emacs --debug-init
I dont get any errors or backtrace. It starts normally & everything is working fine.
But when i start emacs directly same error occurs. Can someone tell me how to debug this?
Update: my emacs config.
is part of the new advice system introduced in Emacs 24.4, so if you're on Emacs 24.3 or older, you can't use it.24.4.1
)?:(require 'advice)
and inside it do you have the functionadvice-add
?M-x find-library RET advice RET