Is there a way to enable ligatures in Emacs other than using font-lock?

I'm asking because font-lock is slow on reasonably large buffers.

After having read it https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/os6z0d/is_there_support_for_ligatures_in_gnu_emacs/ it seems to me like Emacs is lacking built-in support for ligatures. Afaict, ligatures should be implemented in the font-rendering layer. Am I wrong?

1 Answer 1


Like a comment on the reddit thread you linked says, Emacs with HARFBUZZ support can use https://github.com/mickeynp/ligature.el (available on Melpa as ligature)

My config for Julia Mono:

(use-package ligature
  (ligature-set-ligatures '(prog-mode
                          '("->" "<-" "-->" "<--" "<-->"
                            "|>" "<|" "=>" "==>" "::"))
  (global-ligature-mode t))
  • Thank you so much.
    – Nordlöw
    Commented Nov 14, 2022 at 12:46
  • I just discoverd JuliaMono, but I can't get ligatures to work in Emacs. It's strange, because I'm using ligature.el just fine with various NerdFonts with ligatures.
    – g-gundam
    Commented Sep 2, 2023 at 1:06

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