I used (advice-add 'yas-new-snippet :override 'my/yas-new-snippet )
but I was wondering if there was something like this which would allow me to override a function in a function only in that function:
(override-func 'yas-new-snippet 'switch-to-buffer 'switch-to-buffer-other-window)
What I did was override the function to open the snippet in another window. This works but assume that the package maintainer is actively maintaining. I would have to copy this when/if it gets updated. Fortunately for me yas does not get updates frequently. Another thing is that it adds more code to my config.
(defun my/yas-new-snippet (&optional no-template)
"Pops a new buffer for writing a snippet.
Expands a snippet-writing snippet, unless the optional prefix arg
NO-TEMPLATE is non-nil."
(interactive "P")
(let ((guessed-directories (yas--guess-snippet-directories))
(yas-selected-text (or yas-selected-text
(and (region-active-p)
(region-beginning) (region-end))))))
;;(switch-to-buffer yas-new-snippet-buffer-name)
(switch-to-buffer-other-window yas-new-snippet-buffer-name)
(yas-minor-mode 1)
(set (make-local-variable 'yas--guessed-modes)
(mapcar (lambda (d) (yas--table-mode (car d)))
(set (make-local-variable 'default-directory)
(car (cdr (car guessed-directories))))
(if (and (not no-template) yas-new-snippet-default)
(yas-expand-snippet yas-new-snippet-default))))
;; Open new snippet in other window.
(advice-add 'yas-new-snippet :override 'my/yas-new-snippet )
? E.g.,(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'yes-or-no-p) #'my-y-or-n-p)) ...)
(advice-add 'yas-new-snippet :override 'my/yas-new-snippet )
? I was wondering if I could override switch-to-buffer inside yas-new-snippet without going inside of the code if that makes sense. Override it from the outside.