I've configured Emacs for my gmx and protonmail accounts using mu4easy. I can receive mails through both accounts and send mails through the gmx-account but if I try to send them through the protonmail-account I get the following error-message:
gnutls.el: (err=[-15] An unexpected TLS packet was received.) boot: (:priority NORMAL:%DUMBFW :hostname :loglevel 0 :min-prime-bits nil :trustfiles (/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/cert.pem) :crlfiles nil :keylist nil :verify-flags nil :verify-error nil :callbacks nil)
Invalid face attribute :inherit mu4e-contact-face [2 times]
gnutls-negotiate: GnuTLS error: #<process smtpmail>, -15Invalid face attribute :inherit mu4e-contact-face
My protonmail-mbsyncrc-configuration reads
IMAPAccount proton
Port 1143
User ****
PassCmd "gpg -q --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty -d ~/.authinfo.gpg | awk '/machine {print $NF}'"
AuthMechs LOGIN
SSLVersion TLSv1.2
CertificateFile ~/.config/protonmail/bridge/cert.pem
MaildirStore proton-local
Path ~/mail/proton/
Inbox ~/mail/proton/Inbox
SubFolders Verbatim
IMAPStore proton-remote
Account proton
Channel proton
Far :proton-remote:
Near :proton-local:
Patterns "INBOX" "Archive" "Trash" "Spam" "Drafts" "Sent"
CopyArrivalDate yes
Create Both
Expunge Both
SyncState *
my protonmail-mu4easy-context reads
:c-name "proton"
:maildir "proton"
:mail "****"
:smtp ""
:smtp-type ssl
:smtp-port 1025)
I've checked that the ports in the mbsyncrc-configuration are the same as in the protonmail-bridge. Any ideas for how to cure this error?
(or analogous for the libs you use) first of all.(message-send-mail-function . message-send-mail-with-sendmail)