I take content from nodes of my org-roam database and paste this into e.g. an email. For backtracing the content I would like to have certain information copied to my clipboard to insert it into the mail, too.
I use Doom Emacs
and for example, when I press SPC j r i
I would like to have this in the clipboard stored: (content from org-roam: <title/headline> [<ID>])
Update: My current attempt is:
(defun lcb/get-roam-id-as-backlink ()
"get the org-roam id into clipboard"
(let ((l
(concat "(org-roam backlink: ["(org-roam-id-at-point)"])"
(message "stored: %s" l);; feedback in mini buffer
(kill-new l);; store in clipboard
But I am still missing the part getting also the node’s name.