I want to build a version of the how-many function that is sensitive to isearch-filter-predicate.

To achieve this, I had to first build a version of re-search-forward that obeys isearch-filter-predicate:

(defun re-search-forward-ifp (REGEXP &optional BOUND NOERROR COUNT)
  "Modified version of `search-forward-regexp' that
    filters (skips) matches according to `isearch-filter-predicate'."

  (let ((POINT (point)))
    (catch 'filtered
      (while (search-forward-regexp REGEXP BOUND NOERROR COUNT)
        (let ((B (match-beginning 0))
              (E (match-end 0)))
          (when (funcall isearch-filter-predicate B E)
            (throw 'filtered (point)))))
      (goto-char POINT)
(defalias 'search-forward-regexp-ifp 're-search-forward-ifp)

Now, since the definition of how-many in replace.el is as follows:

(defun how-many (regexp &optional rstart rend interactive)
   (keep-lines-read-args "How many matches for regexp"))
    (if rstart
        (if rend
              (goto-char (min rstart rend))
              (setq rend (max rstart rend)))
          (goto-char rstart)
          (setq rend (point-max)))
      (if (and interactive (use-region-p))
          (setq rstart (region-beginning)
                rend (region-end))
        (setq rstart (point)
              rend (point-max)))
      (goto-char rstart))
    (let ((count 0)
           (if (and case-fold-search search-upper-case)
               (isearch-no-upper-case-p regexp t)
      (while (and (< (point) rend)
                  (re-search-forward regexp rend t))
        ;; Ensure forward progress on zero-length matches like "^$".
        (when (and (= (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
                   (not (eobp)))
          (forward-char 1))
        (setq count (1+ count)))
      (when interactive (message (ngettext "%d occurrence"
                                           "%d occurrences"

I want to define a function named how-many-ifp that calls re-search-forward-ifp instead of re-search-forward.

I mean something like:

(defun how-many-ifp (regexp &optional rstart rend interactive)
  "Modified version of `how-many' that filters (skips) matches
    according to `isearch-filter-predicate'."
     (keep-lines-read-args "How many matches for regexp"))
    ;; Pseudocode:
    ;; (let ((re-search-forward re-search-forward-ifp))

    (how-many regexp rstart rend interactive))

In practice, I need the symbol re-search-forward to call the function re-rearch-forward-ifp only within my definition. How can I do it?

I'm open to alternative solutions too.

EDIT. I just realized that the re-search-forward-ifp definition calls re-search-forward (Its alias search-forward-regexp). So I think that what I asked for is not possible to do.

1 Answer 1


To solve the issue of recursively redefining re-search-forward, I thought of creating a copy of the function to use for defining re-search-forward-ifp.

Edit. I rewrote my code like this:

;; I need a copy of `re-search-forward' because it will be temporary adviced in
;; `how-many-ifp' and `occur-ifp' functions:
(defalias 're-search-forward-copy
  (symbol-function 're-search-forward)
  "Copy of `re-search-forward'")

(defun re-search-forward-ifp (REGEXP &optional BOUND NOERROR COUNT)
  "Modified version of `search-forward-regexp' that filters (skips) matches
according to `isearch-filter-predicate'."
  (let ((POINT (point)))
    (catch 'filtered
      (while (re-search-forward-copy REGEXP BOUND NOERROR COUNT)
        (let ((B (match-beginning 0))
              (E (match-end 0)))
          (when (funcall isearch-filter-predicate B E)
            (throw 'filtered (point)))))
      (goto-char POINT)
(defalias 'search-forward-regexp-ifp 're-search-forward-ifp)

(defun override-re-search-forward (orig-fun &rest args)
  "Temporary advice the `re-search-forward' function, overriding it with
`re-search-forward-ifp' to make it sensitive to `isearch-filter-predicate'"
        (advice-add 're-search-forward :override #'re-search-forward-ifp)
        (apply orig-fun args))
    (advice-remove 're-search-forward #'re-search-forward-ifp)))

(defalias 'how-many-ifp
  (symbol-function 'how-many)
  "Copy of the `how-many' function (to be) adviced to obey to
(defalias 'count-matches-ifp 'how-many-ifp)

(advice-add 'how-many-ifp :around #'override-re-search-forward)

I don't know if advicing a function to advice a function inside it is a good idea but it seem to work.

Edit 2. Unfortunately, this didn't turn out to be a good idea! By modifying re-search-forward within how-many using an advice/override, this function (re-search-forward) also gets altered within the definitions of certain predicates like, for instance, texmathp provided by AUCTeX.

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