I'm trying to swap the contents of a region with the text of the same width region below it. I think I should be able to atleast correctly capture the region on the next line using the code below, assuming I can get the positions for them. Any suggestions on how I should implement pos-at-line-col
or is there already a function to do this?
(defun region-selected ()
"Return a list of the currently selected region if active."
(if (use-region-p)
(list (region-beginning) (region-end))
(list nil nil)))
(defun column-number-at-pos (pos)
"Analog to line-number-at-pos."
(save-excursion (goto-char pos) (current-column)))
(defun tabular-swap-region-down (beg end)
"Swap the highlighted text with the same region on the next row."
(interactive (region-selected))
(let* ((selection (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))
(line (line-number-at-pos beg))
(bcol (column-number-at-pos beg))
(ecol (column-number-at-pos end))
(next-line (1+ line))
(next-beg (pos-at-line-col next-line bcol))
(next-end (pos-at-line-col next-line ecol))
(next-sel (buffer-substring-no-properties next-beg next-end)))
(message "Region: %s Beginning column: %s Ending column: %s"
next-sel (int-to-string bcol) (int-to-string ecol))))
? See alsovertical-motion
if you use wrapped lines. Emacs has stuff built in for transpose lines, etc., if you haven't already checked those out. IF the position is visible, you may also wish to experiment withposn-at-point
: gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/… The other stuff, however, doesn't rely upon point being visible.move-to-column
: groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/gnu.emacs.help/dd2R_UV0LVQ/… The thread cites another library that handles this issue.