For example, when calling consult-line-multi, the minibuffer starts with #, which is annoying when using C-a to edit the query.

1 Answer 1


It indicates that consult should split your query on #.

Consult splits your search query according to a style, defined by consult-async-split-style. The default style is 'perl, which allows you to define multiple search terms separated by the first character of the search box (with # inserted for your convenience) if it is a punctuation character.

For example

If you are searching for a line that contains both bytes and bin, you could type #bytes#bin into consult-line-multi and get search results like this: enter image description here

Note that both Bin and bytes are highlighted.

  • That helped, thanks!
    – guibor
    Commented May 20 at 12:12

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