I need some lists to be normal lists (latex \enumerate
) and some to be inline (latex \enumerate*
) from the enumitem
Is there something like #+ATTR_LATEX
I can give to make \enumerate
change to \enumerate*
on some lists?
Yes, there is:
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[inline]{enumitem}
* Lists
- one
- two
- three
and an enumerated list:
1. four
2. five
3. six
and an enumerate* list:
#+ATTR_LATEX: :environment enumerate*
1. seven
2. eight
3. nine
The documentation is not explicit enough here (the :environment
setting is described in the section about exporting tables in LaTeX), but it works for anything, not just tables. EDIT: As the OP points out in a comment, there is an example in the Plain lists in LaTeX export section, which I missed.