The info.el library allows us to view manuals not only for ELisp packages, but also for applications that are independent of Emacs.


(info "gcc")

has the same effect as /usr/bin/info:

$ info gcc

info, which looks like a simplified & trimmed Emacs, doesn't highlight; whereas Emacs does.

How can I replace info with emacs so that I can get full Emacs feature support?

2 Answers 2


Here's a way that re-uses your running Emacs instance:

emacsclient --eval '(info "gcc")' --tty --alternate-editor=

(--eval tells the Emacs instance to evaluate a lisp form. --tty ensures that it displays in the current terminal. --alternate-editor= will automatically start Emacs if it isn't already running. See the emacsclient options page for more info.)

In your shell, you'll have to use a function instead of an alias, because emacsclient has no way to properly pass through its arguments as-is to the Elisp form: once --eval is in play, all non-options are interpreted as Elisp.

If you want just the quick and dirty version, this will do:

    emacsclient --alternate-editor= --tty --eval "(info \"$1\")"

"But what if the argument has characters that are special within lisp strings?" To be robust, we need to escape all \ to \\ and all " to \" - based on the Elisp string syntax and some basic testing, that seems to be enough.

So if you're already using a modern shell like bash/zsh, you can do this:

    local escaped_backslashes="${1//\\/\\\\}"
    local escaped="${escaped_backslashes//\"/\\\"}"
    emacsclient --alternate-editor= --tty --eval "(info \"$escaped\")"

If you need to be more portable, this should be good enough for most purposes:

    emacsclient --alternate-editor= --tty --eval "(info \"$(printf '%s' "$1" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g; s/\"/\\\"/g')\")"
  • Why not use -create-frame instead of -tty?
    – shynur
    Commented Aug 12 at 14:17
  • @shynur --create-frame is fine if you want it to display in a new GUI window when possible. I went with--tty for this question because displaying in the same terminal is closer to the UX/workflow you'd normally get with the info command. I figured the visual switch might be unwanted (finding where the new GUI frame appeared, possibly needing to move/resize the new window, having something else get covered up). And if someone does want a GUI frame, idk if they would want to reuse an existing frame. (Maybe I'll eventually flesh this comment out into an edit enumerating these options.)
    – mtraceur
    Commented Aug 12 at 17:17

Use emacs -f info-standalone. E.g.,

$ emacs -f info-standalone gcc

I prefer alias info='emacs -Q -f info-standalone' in my .bash_profile.

  • 1
    +1, but a couple notes: 1) With this approach, the info buffer will be buried if your Emacs config has (setq initial-buffer-choice ...). 2) Since this is starting a new Emacs process, you'll have to wait your entire Emacs start-up time.
    – mtraceur
    Commented Aug 11 at 19:51
  • 1
    @mtraceur: Re(1): Thank you. I forgot the option because I only tested the -Q startup. |||| Re(2): Yes, I know that. This answer is just to be enlightening - telling people that there is such a way. Then people can form their own methods to suit their needs and preferences.
    – shynur
    Commented Aug 11 at 20:52
  • 1
    cheers! Re(2): I figured you knew; that half of my comment was mainly for any newbies who come across this Q&A before they know about that trade-off.
    – mtraceur
    Commented Aug 11 at 21:38

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