Is it possible to replace '\emsp' with just plain spaces?
I.e, In Clock reports, there are a lot of these '\emsp's. (See example below.)
I'm able to get rid of them by setting ':indent nil'. But this removes all indent altogether, which is undersirable. I can also get rid of them if I export things. But in the Agenda view I don't export reports and the \emsp's are just a visual distraction.
So far I was able to remove 'TODO' keywords via formatter as described here. But the formatter doesn't seem to see the '\emsp' and can't remove them. It kinda seems like they are added after.
| | *File time* | *9:54* | |
| | Dev | 9:54 | |
| | \emsp Configure VMs for testing [[elisp:(my/goto-parent)][parent]] | | 5:03 |
| | \emsp test if DND works in outline view in Mars (4.5) Build id: I20150217-0800 has outline view fixed (RHBZ#1012336). | | 0:16 |
| | \emsp GtkMenuItem directly instead of GtkImageMenuItem | | 1:28 |
| | \emsp Bug 459487 - [GTK] Replace deprecated gtk_arrow_* with gtk_image | | 1:31 |
| | \emsp General | | 1:36 |
, or your tables will explode.