Linked Questions

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Why does Emacs hold on to a not common sense meaning of the words: frame and window?

Below voluminously explained the context of the question stated in the question title: I have started to use Emacs very intensively some days ago and are still bumping into doing things the wrong way. ...
Claudio's user avatar
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How to define display-buffer-alist, to keep every buffer in the frame it is currently?

I work with different Emacs frames on the same desktop. When I run compile Emacs splits the current frame and creates a clone of the buffer *compilation*, although the compilation buffer is already ...
ceving's user avatar
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Key binding to run Clojure code in running cider REPL and specified namespace

I have cider working just fine in Emacs with my Clojure code. I am following a tutorial that uses Cursive as the IDE; in the tutorial they were able to define a key binding to a line of code in a ...
Anders Kitson's user avatar
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Don't replace my buffers with *warnings* or *message* buffers?

Current behavior: Emacs replaces one of my buffers with *warnings* or *messages* if I have multiple buffers open. However Emacs creates a new buffer and displays *warnings* or *messages* if I have ...
Inspired_Blue's user avatar
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Always open buffer in a new frame instead of a window

I found this question which suggested that setting pop-up-frames to a non-nil value should enable this behaviour. However when I added (setq pop-up-frames t) to my emacs init only some of the buffers ...
fossegrim's user avatar
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How to set extra frames in size?

Whenever I open an info entry in emacs (C-h i) an additional frame pops up. On my system, it is too small and I'd love to have it in the top left corner, being wider and longer as it was created by ...
Jan's user avatar
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Open search result in the same window

Say I run ag or grep via M-x and display a window with search results. Say I then use my enter key to open a result. How can I force emacs to open this result in the same window as the search results ...
Abraham P's user avatar
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how do I customize spacemacs default buffer

I would like to make some change on spacemacs's default buffer *spacemacs*,like move recently files and projects to left and show my TODO list in the right or bottom from another file
Fangxing's user avatar
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open the shell buffer in the same frame as compilation buffer -- C compilation

I'm regularly compiling some C programs and one thing is annoying : after I've compiled, I'm opening a shell with M-x shell ./foo, but the shell open in place of the source code's window. I would ...
loukios's user avatar
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From eshell or ansi-term can I open a file in the same window without a new instance of Emacs?

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a clever way in Emacs when in a shell, can I directly open a file without having to open it in another Emacs instance.
Csharpest's user avatar
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Kill buffer when closing a frame only if that's the only frame showing that buffer? [duplicate]

How can I kill a buffer when closing a frame only if that's the only frame showing that buffer? Is there a way to check if the buffer in the selected frame is not in any other frame?
stacko's user avatar
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next-error and multiple frames

I have a multi monitor setup and I typically have two Emacs frames, each filling a monitor. I use display-buffer-reuse-window (reusable-frames . T) as my only customisation. One thing bugs me in my ...
fommil's user avatar
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In non-terminal Emacs, how do I make new frame open within the same OS window?

Basically, I would like GUI emacs to replicate the terminal behavior, where a new frame is opened within the same (OS) window. This would work similar to vim's tabs, which are just a way to move ...
iDontKnowBetter's user avatar
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How can I arrange several frames at fixed, relative positions?

When compiling a TeX document I would like to have two buffers containing the LaTeX output and TeX-error-overview in separate frames which are positioned relative to the current frame (the error ...
Lenar Hoyt's user avatar
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How to get the buffer's visible width?

I'm trying to write something that will disable a certain mode (fci-mode) if a buffer's visible width is under a certain amount. I know about the (window-width) function, however, that doesn't change ...
Lee H's user avatar
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