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Questions tagged [backtrace]

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14 votes
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Get backtrace from error programmatically

If an error is signalled in Emacs Lisp code, and debug-on-error is t, I get a backtrace buffer that makes it easy to figure out where the error occurred. However, for errors that occur while ...
legoscia's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Can emacs show formatted backtraces?

When getting an Elisp error and trying to debug the problem, the backtrace buffer is quite hard to read with its long lines. Is there a way to get a pretty-printed backtrace buffer?
Tom's user avatar
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Symbol’s function definition is void: make-closure

I’m trying to split a number stated in scientific notation (6.371e6) and write it as float (6371000) (I’m doing this to learn.) This is the code I have so far A = (car (mapcar #'string-to-number (...
zeynel's user avatar
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