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Questions tagged [backtrace]

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9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Emacs 29 ert batch run: Error output changes between runs because of debug-early

We have a job running in CI that verifies the output of an ert batch run. The job also includes examples of failing tests which produce a backtrace. The job tests if the error message output matches ...
fap's user avatar
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How to log backtrace to a file instead of popping it up and blocking following backtraces

With emacs if there is a backtrace buffer open, new backtrace is ignored. I find it is unconvenient when I am trying to find out which function/hook changes a variable. I use debug-watch as described ...
godblessfq's user avatar
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Why is there no line number in this debug output?

Usually, when I get a backtrace, there is a line number. Right now, I know where to fix this problem, but I don't understand why there is no line number I can jump to;) Debugger entered--Lisp error: (...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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How can I log output of debug into a file?

I am GNU Emacs 28.1.91 with native compilation. Emacs freezes so often, where I am unable to find what's is wrong. During the freeze all my work is always gone where the save does not occur. Following:...
alper's user avatar
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"Invalid version list `(4 5 -4 414)'" when running `M-x package-list-packages`

When following a suggestion for solving another problem, I'm doing M-x package-list-packages. However, that gives me the error message Invalid version list `(4 5 -4 414)'. What does this mean, and ...
HelloGoodbye's user avatar
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Get backtrace while busy

Something in my configuration causes emacs to occasionally hang or enter a very long busy loop. I have been adding things to my .emacs for several decades, so figuring out what the problem is by ...
Troy Daniels's user avatar
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Edebug Backtrace keeps disappearing

Has anyone found any way to step through the code using edebug and see how variables change on each step in the backtrace? On my emacs each time you run edebug-next-mode backtrace disappears and you ...
Daniel Krajnik's user avatar
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dynamic scoping doesn't perform as expected

(require 'cl) (require 'seq) (require 'dash) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib) (require 'subr-x) (require 'env) (require 'json)) (defgroup chatgpt nil "ChatGPT frontend." :...
A-nak Wannapaschaiyong's user avatar
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Possible to find the line or position where an error happens?

With stack traces in elisp, I only see the function and the error that occurred within this function. Is it possible to also include the line number or the character-position where the error took ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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