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Why the number of spaces inserted by M-; is less than the number of spaces in comment-start and comment-padding?

I am using emacs -q and editing a text buffer foo.txt. I have added the following settings: (setq comment-start ">::") (setq comment-padding ":::<") Now if I select a region ...
Lone Learner's user avatar
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auto-fill-mode fails in comment with empty second line

Consider the following comments: ;; This is the first line of a comment. ;; ;; This is the second line, which begins a paragraph. If I have ;;auto-fill-mode enabled, I lose the leading space! ;; ...
Resigned June 2023's user avatar
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Why Emacs creates multiples whitespaces after I create a comment and jump to a new line?

I am using Emacs, Paredit, Slime to work on Common Lisp (SBCL). When I create a comment such as: ; test It is placed as expected. But if I press return in order to create a new line below ;test this ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar