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Questions tagged [configuration-files]

Questions specifically about configuration files other than the init file. Do not use this tag for questions about how to configure something, only for questions specifically about the configuration files.

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How can I install Emacspeak?

I find some lengthy instructions on the website, but I also see that's it's available with use-package, but I get an error Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function ems-generate-switcher) (ems-...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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Preferred way of configuration testing

I recently ran into a problem with configuration, caused by a malformed database path for a certain package. This causes a problem in emacsql-sqlite, because it tries to treat the folder name as a ...
kakk11's user avatar
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How can I configure my emacs so I can program in java?

I installed Emacs recently, because I already had a good experience with Vim (another ide that gives the user freedom to modify the ide as the user wants) and as I am studying Java together with Elisp ...
Bruno Ciccarino's user avatar
2 votes
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Setting gud-gdb-command-name in .dir-locals.el

For my current project I have been trying to configure it so I don't need to explicitly type compile and debug commands each time I start a new emacs session. In my .dir-locals.el file I have: ((nil . ...
James Snook's user avatar
2 votes
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Configuring Key-bindings from Org-Table

I use file to configure my emacs, and then tangle it into init.el. Now, I would like to configure my keybindings from org-table (for more readable and printable). Basically, I'd like to only ...
Garid's user avatar
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What configuration file should I modify to affect tramp configuration?

I am new to Emacs. I run Linux. I'd like to tramp into a Windows machine, so that I can edit the files on the Windows machine from the comfort of my Linux system. Apparently, you have to change the ...
John Smith Optional's user avatar
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Error when opening .sh files (void-function sh-set-offset)

I've updated and now I get this error when opening a new .sh file, or any .sh file for that matter. Any pointers as to what I can try? Any smart bisect method to use when I have a literate emacs file?;...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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.bashrc environment variables not picked up by Spacemacs?

I've added a few environment variables to my .bashrc file, some of these are paths to customized bin/programs, such as: export MY_ENV_PATH_VAR=/home/user/path/to/bin I've refreshed spacemacs' ....
stigma's user avatar
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How to load dotspacemacs/user-config from a different file?

My default spacemacs dotfile defines dotspacemacs/user-config, and I suppose my user config is supposed to go inside this function. However the file itself is quite large and I'd like to isolate my ...
Jessica's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to share `abbrev_defs` across multiple systems

I keep my abbrev_defs file in a git repository so I can share my abbreviations across systems. Unfortunately, the count feature of abbrev-mode leads to little changes in the :count property of defined ...
Michael Hoffman's user avatar
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Setting latex compiler

I was happily running emacs with a locally installed texlive in ~/texlive/2021 on manjaro KDE. But I decided to switch to Gnome. So, installed necessary packages, removed the ones I did not need and ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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Doom emacs config does not fully load at start up

I am on Doom emacs, and have placed various scripts in my config file. These are mainly new keybindings and options for packages, e.g. (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "s-;") 'org-agenda) ; ...
Nick Riches's user avatar
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Change location for straight.el working directories?

I’d like to put my dotConfig files into DropBox, including my .emacs.d folder. I’d like to use these across computers and across OS’s. I’ve split out part of my init.el into per-computer files (...
MikeTheTall's user avatar
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Emacs PDE seems to ignore PERL5LIB environmet variable to use @INC

I'm using emacs 26.3 under FreeBSD 12 environment and try to use PDE. My problem is that in the runtime environment the modules (@INC array) are properly addressed by the PERL5LIB variable. But using ...
huckfinn's user avatar
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Activate personal configuration to the config with load-file and require

I created personal my-config in .doom.d and have 'my-org-agenda` etc within it. #+BEGIN_SRC shell :results output tree ~/.doom.d | head #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: #+begin_example /home/me/.doom.d ├── ...
Wizard's user avatar
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Storing and Loading Non-Static/Multiple Configs

I'm writing an emacs wrapper to a set of scripts that require a lot of config settings to run. These can be variously environment variables, command line parameters and so forth. They should be user ...
Phil's user avatar
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3 answers

Can i export LaTex to a .tex file?

I'm cofiguring emacs with org. Principally I wrote in emacs using .org file so i want a standard header file where i define al my "use package" file in particular: \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{...
acidwinzip 77's user avatar
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require 'modename vs require 'modename-install

I hope to use org files for my configuration. And I found some use (require 'org-install), and some use (require 'org). Any differences?
Li Chen's user avatar
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emacs finds one package, not another

WHAT WORKS FINE. When I compile a .tex file with C-c C-c, emacs knows that it should use pdflatex. I don't really know how, because I don't see pdflatex in my .emacs nor init.el (I can't find an ....
Antoine's user avatar
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12 votes
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How to reload .emacs.d/ configuration without restart

When I change any custom configuration file in the .emacs.d/elisp/ directory, I have to quit Emacs and then start it again in order to get my changes applied. Is there any better way?
Ribtoks's user avatar
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How to set FTP TRAMP/ANGE connection configuration

With SSH I can add connections to my SSH config file at /.ssh/config Once added to the config file emacs will auto-complete these connections when using tramp integrations like find-file /ssh: I ...
kevzettler's user avatar
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C-d in java-mode not being overwritten by .emacs file

So I have a custom .emacs file that I have a series of key strokes bound to. The specific key stroke that I'm speaking of is C-d which I have bound to left-word via the line (global-set-key (kbd "C-d"...
Michael's user avatar
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C-x C-f Edit File As Root [duplicate]

Is there a way to open a local file for editing as a root? I need to make some changes to a config file located at ~/.emacs.d/init.el, but the Emacs tells me that the buffer is read-only.
MadPhysicist's user avatar
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How can I dynamically set the column width that I'd like to font-lock?

My init currently has the following: (defun font-lock-width-keyword (width) ...
VF1's user avatar
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In Spacemacs, how can I conditionally set line-wrapping on only for text files (i.e. in text mode)?

I want to have Spacemacs wrap around long lines, but only in text files (i.e. text mode), not in programming language files (i.e. program mode). How could one achieve that? I know that to turn on ...
Louis15's user avatar
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Magit function to push

Specially when editing my file, I usually want to push every single change to origin. So I want to write a function to do this, I am almost there but still need some help. (defun cesco/...
CESCO's user avatar
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Constrain Eclim to java files

I am using eclim and I am loving it! But I had to disable eclimd-autostart because it keep trying to fire up eclimd when I pop a .js buffer. Autostarting of eclimd is disabled, please start eclimd ...
CESCO's user avatar
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Copying Emacs configuration to different computer

I configured Emacs on one computer and copied ~/.emacs to a different computer. That other computer uses a newly installed operating system. Both computers run Ubuntu 16.04 with the latest updates ...
UTF-8's user avatar
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3 votes
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Where would be the most appropriate directory to put my own Emacs-lisp files in Spacemacs?

I want to create an Emacs-lisp file to store my org-mode configuration. This file will be loaded by dotspacemacs/user-config. My question is where would it be the standard directory (if any) where I ...
Jeff's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Spacemacs modeline color mismatch

Problems with my modeline separator aren't quite the "Ugly separators" problem as seen here. But the color is slightly off, as in this screenshot. I can solve it with this piece of code. But then ...
Nutritioustim's user avatar
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.emacs location [duplicate]

I am trying to locate .emacs file . I have installed emacs auctex from a zip file obtained from on windows 7. I tried to search.emacs within directory but nothing returned. Kindly help
Vaibhav's user avatar
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two different config files for Emacs

I am looking for method to use two different config files - init files. First config: when I am coding in full Emacs windows (open file as emacs namefile this define ~/.emacs_conf2) Second: when I ...
MichalSzczep's user avatar
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What's the best way to organize personal configurations in Spacemacs? [closed]

For plain Emacs, I used to use the following methods to organize my configurations: Put logically related configurations into different files; Organize with Org Babel. Now I'm trying to use ...
Ben's user avatar
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specify global-abbrev-table in a separate file

I know one can define where abbrev files are saved with something like this (setq abbrev-file-name "/home/zeltak/.emacs.d/abbrv/personal_abbrv.txt") but this file has several section like (define-...
zeltak's user avatar
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Is there a way to make emacs adhere to fdo spec?

There's spec for config placement. Most of the software adheres to it placing config files into ~/.config, cache files into ~/.cache etc. This greatly simplifies backups, config ...
god's user avatar
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