Questions tagged [cua-mode]

Cua-mode allows one to use ‘C-v’, ‘C-c’, and ‘C-x’ to paste, copy, and cut the region.

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24 votes
1 answer

What am I giving up by activating CUA mode?

CUA mode is very close to the workflow I am used to outside Emacs, so I am tempted to activate it. But I have learned that Emacs may have useful gems hidden in its ways, and CUA mode seems something ...
gsl's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Use standard keybindings for copy, paste, cut, etc. as in other software?

I want to use the same basic keybindings for copy (C-c), paste (C-v), cut (C-x), etc. that are supported in some other software. How can I do that?
John Demetriou's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Priority of keymapping commands

In another question (IDO rebind C-j to C-<RET>), Seraph asked about defining the <C-return> key for ido-mode. It turned out that the key was already bound in cua-global-keymap, which ...
Realraptor's user avatar
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1 answer

Integrate cua-mode with evil-insert-state

I'm starting to think that using the regular C-x C-c C-v keys for kill-ring operations make sense, as they're used that way in every other program I use regularly. (And I'm starting to develop ...
PythonNut's user avatar
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2 answers

Cua-mode and keyboard macros

I have just started using emacs, so I decided to use cua-mode. I got this weird problem when I'm using macros and copy/cut (C-c/ C-x). let's assume this simple macro for example: <F3> C-S-right ...
Or Dicker's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Ctrl-C keybinding is having no effect

I am trying to remap C-c, C-x, C-v (windows editing shortcuts for copy, cut, paste) using these 3 lines of elisp code: (global-set-key (kbd "C-c") 'kill-ring-save) (global-set-key (kbd "C-x") 'kill-...
Saravana's user avatar
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1 answer

rebind C-RET in cua-mode to a different key?

I use column editing in cua-mode (cua-selection-mode) a lot. A main issue I have is that the most frequently used keybinding, C-RET (Control + Return), doesn't work in most terminals (Ubuntu 16.04, ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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unbind ALL C-x and C-c shortcuts in org-mode with CUA-mode

For a special purpose application of emacs with org-mode I want to dramatically simplify the shortcuts. I'm already quite satisfied with my config based on CUA mode. The one thing that bothers me ...
user2583621's user avatar
1 vote
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Emacs bulk indent for Python while `cua-mode` is enabled

I'd like to know how to indent multiple lines while Python is my major mode. The link below answers my question for the most part:
WickedJargon's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Kill rectangle with cua-mode support

There are many nice column editing features in CUA mode. After hitting Ctrl+RETURN, binded to cua-set-rectangle-mark, you get some help in the minibuffer: But I can't find the shortcut to cut/kill ...
nephewtom's user avatar
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Standard Mac/Windows Keybindings for Italics, Bold, and Underline in Org-Mode

Is there a simple way to get command-i, command-b, and command-u to operate in emacs org-mode on Mac in exactly the way that they operate in a typical word processor on Mac (for example, Microsoft ...
user32038's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Add additional function to cua-mode processing for `C-c`

I'm running cua-mode, and I'm trying to override the cua binding for C-c so that I can insert a function somefunc before passing the baton to the original cua binding which is cua-prefix-override-...
Craig  Hicks's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Make C-S-up handle shift selection under Org-Mode

When shift-select-mode is on (Emacs' default), C-S-up in text mode selects the previous paragraph. This does not work under Org-Mode, where C-S-up gets translated into C-up, which is mapped to org-...
scaramouche's user avatar
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1 answer

Cutting selection with CUA-mode bindings after searching

I want to cut/copy some code with this method: setting a mark with C-SPC, searching with C-s, then cutting/copying the selection. Check the following image: I can copy selected code with M-w or ...
nephewtom's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Force C-c to cua-copy-region

I have CUA mode enabled, but sometimes when I hit C-c, emacs simply does not copy anything because it starts to think Iam typing some C-C something command. I tried: (global-set-key (kbd "C-c") 'cua-...
dev1223's user avatar
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1 answer

Cua-mode commands broken at launch (when using evil), until the mode is manually toggled

I'm very new to emacs, and can't seem to get cua-mode to work by default. I'm using emacs 26.3 with spacemacs 0.300 on Kubuntu 20.04.1 I have set (cua-mode t) in my .spacemacs, and cua-mode shows up ...
emaculateidiot's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

CUA mode is implictly cutting and copying from region

I'm confused about some CUA mode implicit behaviour that I got after upgrading Emacs, specifically: Marking a region automatically copies it, without having to type C-c Deleting a region ...
Manuel's user avatar
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Enable cua-mode in term or ansi-term mode

While working with term or ansi-term in term-line mode, I am not able to use cua-mode bindings. Is this possible?
nephewtom's user avatar
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