Questions tagged [customization]

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Configure lsp-mode and lsp-java to not open unrelated projects

When opening a Java file of a project previously attached to lsp-mode and the language server, the modeline as well as the error buffer called up with s-l g e show errors of all projects I ever ...
Harald's user avatar
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How to very slightly edit the welcome splash to have a list of files to open in new tabs? [duplicate]

New to emacs, and I want to keep the welcome splash, but with links to a few files to open in a new tab when I click on them. These would include a file for notes I'm making when going through emacs ...
noobidy-doobidy's user avatar
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Emacs 'package-selected-packages' is not get saved in a customization file

I have noticed recently, the Emacs always shows a list of "unneeded" packages, which could be "auto-removed". The packages it suggests as not needed are those that were installed ...
dilettant's user avatar
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(wrong-type-argument stringp custom-variable-set) Error when setting variable

I'm having an issue setting custom Emacs variables. When I try to set the variable pressing STATE I run into this error: (wrong-type-argument stringp custom-variable-set) This is the full debugger ...
Enrico Pirani's user avatar
2 votes
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Enable Lexical Binding by Binding “lexical-binding” to t

(Please see what is letrec first.) The following code is obviously fine and self-explanatory: ;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- (setq post-self-insert-hook `(,@(when (boundp 'post-self-insert-hook) ...
shynur's user avatar
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Are Emacs themes just further initialization files, or are there any restrictions what can be coded in them?

In other words, are Emacs themes, like the .css files containing style declarations for html visualization are, restricted in what they can specify, or are they more like .js script files able to work ...
Claudio's user avatar
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How to output ALL of the settings an Emacs version comes by default with as text to see where the differences between the versions are?

The Title already tells what the question is about. The purpose of the answer to this question would be to become able to find out which default values differ between the versions 27.1 and 28.2 of ...
Claudio's user avatar
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How do I completely re-define the menubar in 28.2

I have been using XEmacs for years and have completely redefined the menubar for my productivity. I would like to replace XEmacs with Emacs 28.2. I have tried several ways to redefine some menubar ...
Ric Hotchkiss's user avatar
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Customizing colors – Invalid Face

I am trying to just adjust a few colors, without creating a whole theme. My lisp startup file contains: (load-theme 'tsdh-dark t nil) ... (set-face-foreground 'custom-variable-tag "White") ...
Philipp Ludwig's user avatar
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Unicode characters missing only in Emacs

A few unicode characters are missing from my Emacs (GNU Emacs 28.2 on macOS 11.6.8.). They are displayed everywhere else on my system just fine, but in Emacs they look like this: (Same character in ...
Carapuce's user avatar
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Determining use of customize-set-variable versus setq [duplicate]

How can I determine whether to use customize-set-variable rather than setq?
Dilna's user avatar
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"non-existent agenda file ~/ [R]emove from list or [A]bort?" when using file-expand-wildcards

As per this example below, I try to customize queries that require searching in different folders that are not agenda files. According to this part of the manual, it should be possible. However, ...
Emmanuel Goldstein's user avatar
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org-agenda-custom-commands: getting error

I am attempting to create a custom org-agenda menu (Q) with subitems (Qa and Qb) by using add-to-list in my init.el file: (add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands '(("Q" . "...
Emmanuel Goldstein's user avatar
4 votes
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How to modify the standard value of an customization option

Assume a library has some customizable option my-option with a list of values: (unintern "my-option" obarray) (defcustom my-option '(first second third) "Option with a list of values....
Tobias's user avatar
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Project specific customization: where to put font-latex-match-reference-keywords?

In a project of mine I defined a new LaTeX command \emphix{...}, similar to \emph{...} and I want its argument to be similarly italicized in my AUCTeX/emacs buffer. To this purpose I defined (setq ...
Massimo2013's user avatar
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How to hide all drawers :PROPERTIES:, in the beginning of `org-present` mode, in org-mode?

Is there a startup option I could put in Org mode to hide :PROPERTIES:, or something like that into these presentations with org-present? #+STARTUP: latexpreview #+STARTUP: imagepreview Clarification:...
BuddhiLW's user avatar
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Highlighting all matched groups in font-lock-add-keywords rule

I'm trying to highlight variable-type in custom let-like form that looks like: (mylet ((<variable-type> <variable-name> <variable-value>) (...)) <some-forms>) To do ...
Coestaris's user avatar
3 votes
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Which key prefix is left for user defined bindings?

C-h b shows the key bindings. But I can not see, which prefix is left for my own functions. Is any prefix reserved for user bindings?
ceving's user avatar
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How to change the size on mode-line horizontal line

I am running emacs version GNU Emacs 27.1 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.20, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2020-09-19, on Ubuntu 20.04 on a laptop with 4K display in 200% scaling mode (...
Ernelli's user avatar
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Is it safe to comment out the "custom-set-variables" part in your init file?

Recently I had some font lock mess with auctex (similar to this). To solve the problem I commented out my init file part for part and realized that the problem is inside the custom-set-variables ...
Julia's user avatar
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How to properly specify defcustom default list of non-trivial data types?

How to properly write the default value for a non-trivial defcustom form in standard for something like I have below: a list of 3-element lists, with choices of the types? The defcustom form is: ...
PRouleau's user avatar
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How to run a function when setting a 'defcustom' option?

Is it possible to run code when setting an option defined by defcustom? For example, I would like (setq my-package-option t) to install a hook. While defcustom has a :set keyword, it's documented ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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wrong-type-argument from insert yank

I'm looking for ways to get the last copy from the kill ring in Emacs. I run (insert (yank))[cursor] with C-x C-e and I get this *Backtrace*: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument ...
9716278's user avatar
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php-mode overwrites c-basic-offset customization, how can I set it to my preferred value?

GNU Emacs 25.2.2 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.21) PHP-Mode:, Version: 1.21.1 I customized c-basic-offset to 2. When I open a php-File, php-mode is ...
Andreas H's user avatar
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Remove text from toolbar

my toolbar is filled with many buttons, and I'd like to know if it is possible to remove the text so it only shows the icon (and if it is possible, how to do it). I currently have this : But as you ...
Thibault's user avatar
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Unable to call pyvenv-activate from init file

M-x pyvenv-activate <RET> ~/Documents/bitbucket-python-scripts/.env353 <RET> works fine. Elpy Config buffer confirms that. However with the following in ~/.emacs file (require 'package) ...
Vladimir Zolotykh's user avatar
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Indentation: 4 spaces everywhere

This morning, my Emacs changed its indentation rules, and now it indents by 2 spaces, specifically in JS and HTML. It even re-indents code on which I work to 2 spaces, which is unacceptable. Please ...
yPhil's user avatar
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Org Export Latex: Defining Custom Classes for a Title Page From #+TITLE, etc keywords

I stumbled upon this archived email: and a suggestion is to create a custom title page that picks up the title, author, and date ...
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3 answers

Customizing the line separating windows

After % emacs -q (split-window-right) (scroll-bar-mode 0) (fringe-mode 0) there is still a pixel-wide line separating the two windows. What is this line called, and how can I change its width and ...
Toothrot's user avatar
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How to customize emacs toolbar?

Let say I want to add a Toolbar icon to emacs which when clicked should "Select all" text in the current window. We know for selecting text we can use M-x mark-whole-buffer. How can I use this ...
Eka's user avatar
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Cherry-pick columns to display in Dired or Dired+

I would like to customize the amount of detail displayed in Dired. Basically I would like to cherry-pick the "columns" to display. More precisely, I would like to hide the "owner group" information. ...
Florent Georges's user avatar
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How to customize face when use 'org-edit-latex-environment?

When use org-edit-latex-environment(which opens another buffer so latex source code can be edited in more sophiscated environment, e.g. LaTeX) in org-mode, the source block will be highlight as yellow ...
Yanghao Xie's user avatar
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How to "swap" only the numerical row of a keyboard inside Emacs?

My question is: when I am editing (La)TeX code, regularly I need to type the famous dollar signs in order to put mathematical code ($x^2+y^2=z^2$), a very frequent thing indeed. Therefore, I would ...
Anderson Torres's user avatar
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Start Emacs in VHDL-mode?

I started coding in vhdl and I'm currently using emacs with its vhdl mode as editor on Ubuntu 16.04 OS. However i was wondering if its possible to start emacs already in vhdl mode, meaning I won't ...
Frank Weiss's user avatar
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Can I set a custom face conditionally?

Apparently the correct way to set the default font is the following: (custom-set-faces '(default ((t (:family "Raize" :foundry "raster" :slant normal :weight normal :height 120 :...
Daniele's user avatar
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On Windows 8.1, in Emacs Ghostscript doesn't work, while on commandline it does

Edited question of August 2017: After a long search I found the reason, why a wonderful software called pdfsizeopt (for my question from April 2017 see below) does not work, when called from Emacs, ...
Keks Dose's user avatar
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Enforcement of customization types

When specifying a customizable variable foo-paths as follows: (defcustom foo-paths nil "Paths for foo-related things." :group 'foo :options '(foo-1 foo-2) :type '(alist :key-type ...
Tianxiang Xiong's user avatar
2 votes
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Customizable variable with predefined alist keys

I'd like to create a customizable variable foo-paths with certain options. (defcustom foo-paths nil "Paths for foo-related things." :group 'foo :options '(foo-1 foo-2) :type '(alist :key-...
Tianxiang Xiong's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I customize the way Emacs prints out certain keys and key sequences?

For example, I want Control key to be displayed not as C but as ⎈ (U+2388 HELM SYMBOL) in the minibuffer. Trying to personalize my Emacs and display all function keys as ISO symbols. And sequences to ...
GUEST's user avatar
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Shifting Emacs Theme from one Computer to Another

I am a little new to emacs and have managed to get the color theme to my liking. However, I want to be able to use the same theme on a different machine and have been struggling to get it to work. I ...
mark_ub's user avatar
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Disable tabbar in special buffers

I have Tabbar installed and when I am using some function like describe-key in emacs the resulting *help* buffer has a tab bar at the top. This is a waste of space and is distracting. How can I ...
Prgrm.celeritas's user avatar
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List all customized variables and faces whose default has changed since a specified Emacs version?

I try to use "Easy Customization" for most of my customization of Emacs. Some of my customizations are changes to the defaults, i. e. sentence-end-base gets customized from: "[.?!][]\"'”)}]*" to: "...
Tim Landscheidt's user avatar
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Where is the information passed to `custom-set-variables` and `custom-set-faces` stored?

The post's title pretty much says it all. In particular, I want to find out what happens if I invoke custom-set-variables twice, with completely different arguments each time. E.g. (custom-set-...
kjo's user avatar
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Theme not loading on startup

I started using the graphical interface for emacs again after a bit. and I've run into some problems. On boot the theme I'm using Calmer-forest is not getting loaded. However the rest of my .emacs ...
Nalisarc's user avatar
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Insert Current Date and Time with Custom Timestamp

I am trying to get org-mode to insert a custom timestamp with the current time. Something along these lines: 20160824 34|3 163000 (UTC) Which I believe should be the following: ("%Y%m%d %W|%u %H%M%...
dwrz's user avatar
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How to customize a lazy-loaded variable?

In Spacemacs, how can I customize a variable used in a layer that's loaded lazily? Specifically, I'm trying to use Zathura and Synctex with Spacemacs' Latex layer. I have the following code in my ...
imperfectgrist's user avatar
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Add bottom margin to minibuffer / echo area?

When running emacs maximized on my new screen, a black shadow at the bottom, that for normal viewing angles is just a few pixels wide, interfers with the readability of the minibuffer / echo area. ...
kdb's user avatar
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Different fonts for different Emacs' windows

Usually I have two windows vertical split layout when using Emacs. I'm curious is it possible to change default font size for one of them? Typically, I use 14 points font height with 80 columns ...
Geradlus_RU's user avatar
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Is it possible to fill Emacs' window background using CSS rules? [closed]

Is there some way to fill background of Emacs' windows (not frames) using some CSS rules rather than one solid color? Solid color fill is very unnatural for eyes (at least of mine). There is an ...
Geradlus_RU's user avatar
12 votes
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Why is defgroup useful?

I'm reading the ido source and see: (defgroup ido nil "Switch between files using substrings." :group 'extensions :group 'convenience :version "22.1" :link '(emacs-commentary-link :tag "...
djechlin's user avatar
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