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Questions tagged [customize-face]

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Change the face of the current line in org agenda

Using Doom Emacs. In org agenda, the line on which the cursor is gets 'highlighted'. But, in my view, just not enough. So, I will like to change the face to something more obvious. describe-character ...
Deshmukh's user avatar
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How can I add padding between a header and the previous and immediate lines in org mode

How can I add padding between a header and its adjacent lines so that they look cleanly formatted like any Rich Text Editor does. I was able to use a workaround using the :box face-attribute to do ...
Gangula's user avatar
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Can I set a background color with alpha transparency in face-attribute

I would like to have a background color on all my headers which is 80% transparent white - so that it works fine in any theme. Currently I'm using the below config to set the hex code as the ...
Gangula's user avatar
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Latex mode: tex-verbatim face has priority on font-lock-comment-face

I switched to Emacs 29.1 recently. I noticed that the tex-verbatim face used in latex-mode to highlight the \href argument has priority on font-lock-comment-face. The tex-verbatim face is defined in ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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Changing some attributes of face `mode-line`

I want to change some attributes for the mode-line using elisp file calls. But I want to use exclusively the code that I write myself, without having emacs write to my init file. Although I have been ...
Dilna's user avatar
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custom-set-faces not working for client

I have a custom (custom-set-faces ...) section in my ~/.emacs file. When I run emacs this section seems to get completely ignored since the custom colours don't get set. But if I go to ~/.emacs, ...
Jan Stolarek's user avatar
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How to change face background in org mode source block?

I've changed background of org mode source blocks, which wasn't picked up by the vertical lines (rulers) on the left. I've never seen anything like that before and I would be grateful for any ...
Daniel Krajnik's user avatar
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bookmark+ highlighting problem

I am trying to use bookmark+, but I am unable to get the highlighting as I wish (or, maybe, as I wrongly expect?): When I change the default highlight of a bookmark, I only see the purple flag, but ...
scfrank's user avatar
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Dired+ : Not change foreground color of compress files

Emacs 27.1 package Dired+, Version: 2023.01.14 Here screen As you can see the foreground of suffix compress file is correct (orange). Nice. But the foreground of name compress file is not change (...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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"Erase customizations" button is not reverting customized face to its standard value

What I am about to say is best reproduced with an empty configuration. So if you want to reproduce this issue just back up your ~/.emacs.d and any other init files to a different folder and try this. ...
Eminent's user avatar
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How to create new faces for specific keywords on a webmode buffer?

Problem In a (lsp & web-mode) buffer; "function", "if", "async" are all the same color, I tried to change "if" face with the following: (defface xxx-font-...
AVALFINN's user avatar
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Incompatible faces error

I'm trying to set my ediff faces to reuse some of the magit faces. The ediff colors are not very good in the dark mode I'm using. But I'm getting an error about compatibility. I found this error ...
Todd's user avatar
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Make Emacs 28 tab-line-tab-modified styling sensitive to whether tab is active or not

Emacs 28 added the tab-line-tab-modified face to enable (for example) bolding the text of any tab corresponding to a modified buffer. I style my active tab differently from inactive tabs; my face ...
rogerl's user avatar
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custom-set-faces for tabline not working?

I have the following code in my customizations.el file (this is Aquamacs): (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ...
rogerl's user avatar
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Lisp Mode Documentation Syntax color change?

I use emacs for common lisp development. I noticed that the documentation string for functions is white and makes it hard for me to read. Is there a way for me to change the color of this string? ...
Vinn's user avatar
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Disable Fontification in Org-Mode while Keeping Color Highlighting

I would like to ask a question about org-mode and font-lock-mode. I just started using Emacs and, since I am not a programmer, I use it mostly for writing and handling texts. And, I am quite ...
bman25's user avatar
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Change background colour of the mode line in window

How can I change the background colour of the mode line of a window when not in use?
Dilna's user avatar
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How can I disable font-latex-math-face?

In AUCTex there is font-latex-math-face which makes color of string in between $ and $ as green. Example output: or: Is is possible to disable/delete font-latex-math-face, where the green color won'...
alper's user avatar
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Customize face can use some theme faces, but not all

This is my theme config. I am trying to modify the face list-matching-lines-buffer-name-face, which is part of the result window of occur (see replace.el.gz). Using customize-option on list-matching-...
Gauthier's user avatar
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Occur mode face for buffer names

The result buffer of occur displays the buffer name with some info: 69 matches in 65 lines for "use" in buffer: init.el It's alright when I run occur in only one buffer. I just started ...
Gauthier's user avatar
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shell-mode how to color only keywords

I have following definitions in my .emacs file for keyword coloring in shell-mode: (add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on) (font-lock-add-keywords 'shell-mode '(("alias " ...
alper's user avatar
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emacs 28.0.50 `sh-quoted-exec` has different coloring for `sh` and `bash`

In Shell-script[bash] mode, coloring differs for sh-quoted-exec in #!/bin/sh and #!/bin/bash. If #!/bin/sh is the first line: // I prefert this If #!/bin/bash is the first line: Would it be possible ...
alper's user avatar
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GUI emacs: What Face Defines Overlay for Truncated Lines in Margin?

I am currently using the emacs GUI. I have a custom theme defined for a particular buffer, but when the text runs over the line, an overlay takes over (presumably handling truncation) in the margins. ...
strange's user avatar
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Would it be possible to disable flycheck selected region on mark?

When I selected a region Ctrl-space up-arrow key, flycheck errors' font color are remain as it is. Example, flycheck error makes fore-color bold orange: Would it be possible to disable flychecks when ...
alper's user avatar
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How to define different font-lock-variable-name-face respect to different modes

By default font-lock-variable-name-face is defined as follows: '(font-lock-variable-name-face ((t (:foreground "black" :weight bold)))) Would it be possible to change its color for ...
alper's user avatar
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Customizing faces of tab-line

I've been trying to get tabs showing up on emacs, and I came across the builtin tab-mode. I'm trying to set colors and make it look decent, and I ended up here, which told me to modify tab-line-.+ ...
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Why bold faces do not inherit from the `bold` face?

I had tried to use a thin weight font as the default face and a regular weight font as the bold face (try, it's a nice combination), but I desisted because there are a zillion faces that do not ...
gboffi's user avatar
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How to remove gray color in Dired mode?

Linux Mint , Emacs 27.2 Dired, Dired+, Dired-k As a result here is the dired mode view As you can see, the names of files: are gray. Can I ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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Color settings with helm

I use helm a lot. I have a problem setting colors. In my init.el I have (require 'helm) (require 'helm-config) ;; change active line color (set-face-attribute 'helm-selection nil :...
PinkCollins's user avatar
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Flymake colouring?

I've recently updated my Emacs from 26 to 27, and now the Flymake error indicators are very hard to see - they're now in a very pale rose instead of crimson red. How can I change the colour back? I've ...
user29402's user avatar
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How to customize the rendering of the straight lines in mode line?

Here are two examples of what I mean: The lines are rendered in a different color as the background, so they are clearly seen: The lines are rendered in the same color as the background, so they can ...
nephewtom's user avatar
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Font Size (Face Attributes, Height) in Org Mode's Column View

Happy New Year! I use Org Mode and columnview extensively. The issue I am having is that zooming (Command + on MacOs or C- + on PC) doesn't work in column view. Here is an example before zooming in ...
Pablo A Perez-Fernandez's user avatar
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shell-mode `alias` keyword is not recognized as font-lock-builtin-face type

In shell-mode; alias keyword is not recognized as font-lock-builtin-face type and remain as white color (with the current theme I am using it should be in different color) => Is it possible to add ...
alper's user avatar
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Interactively customize theme-tied faces

M-x customize-face is great and custom-theme-set-faces is a great function. Can I have these two tied together easily so that I can interactively customize a face that will be tied to the currently ...
mike3996's user avatar
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