Questions tagged [deletion]

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8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Delete Text by Fading It

I once saw a feature in Vim where, when I delete the text to the left of the cursor, the text is indeed deleted. However, a faint impression of the text remains in its original place, as shown in the ...
shynur's user avatar
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How to create/use extra modifier keys or get a similar functionality to modifier keys?

I want C-d to act as a kind of modifier for the <left> and <right> arrow keys in a similar way to how Shift is a modifier that allows letters to be capitalized. Shift Analogy When I press ...
Nika's user avatar
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How to delete a long region by setting a mark and then searching for the location of the end of the region?

I have a long document. I placed two unique identifiers, in the form of short strings of printable English letter, in two positions in the document. The identifiers are far apart. My task is to delete ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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vlf-mode, delete up to end of file

I am viewing a large file (512 MB) with vlf-mode. How can I delete from a point of the file to the end? The standard approach of selecting the text from a point to the end and then deleting it does ...
Nisba's user avatar
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Cant' delete files/directories on Synology

I'm on macOS 14.4.1 and have Emacs 29.2 plus installed from Homebrew. I have an access problem with Dired on my Synology when I try to delete files: "file-error: Removing old name: Operation not ...
Emax2020's user avatar
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How to delete a function on which a cursor is in Spacemacs?

Let's say I have this: (defn -main [& args] (my-func|tion 5) (my-function-2 "hello") (third-function-of-mine nil)) where | is my cursor. And I want to delete (my-function 5). So in ...
fegax's user avatar
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Undo insertion and deletion in one step when undoing overwrite of selection

Undoing the insertion of a character while the region is active (and delete-selection-mode is non-nil) requires two steps: the first to undo the insertion and the second to restore the deleted region. ...
Arch Stanton's user avatar
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What is causing `delete-trailing-whitespace`?

In some buffers (e.g. diff buffers) the trailing whitespace is essential to the format and must be preserved. What is causing Emacs to invoke delete-trailing-whitespace whenever I save the buffer? ...
bignose's user avatar
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