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Converting init file on Mac/Linux to Windows

I use a package called Deft that needs a directory to store and load files. To define this directory on Mac or GNU/Linux I use the following expression: (setq deft-directory "~/Dropbox/org") When ...
sbac's user avatar
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default directory is not working in Windows [duplicate]

I am trying to set the default directory to D:/ by (setq default-directory "D:/") but when I type c-x c-f, it is showing D:\software\emacs\bin, which is the installation directory.
Sreekumar R's user avatar
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Troubleshooting: changing default folder in .emacs not working

I am trying to make emacs start on the folder where all my orgfiles are saved. I achieved this in my windows machine by changing the "Start In" field of the shortcut properties, as suggested in this ...
brodoll's user avatar
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How can I have a second .dir-locals?

When collaborating on a project, certain editing variables are set to make sure everyone is producing a similar style of code. In Emacs, these are usually implemented as either file-local variables ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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