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Questions tagged [directories]

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49 votes
7 answers

Tree-based directory browser?

I love dired, but sometimes (particularly when filming screencasts) I want to see the tree-structure of a directory and its children, a la the tree(1) command. Is there a tree-oriented directory ...
Avdi's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

Org Mode link to open directory in Dired

I'd like to have a link like [[file:~/projects][Projects]] open directly in Dired rather than Finder (I'm on a Mac), which is what it does now. Is there a way? (Of course there's a way. It's ...
JohnJ's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

How to check if a directory exists in elisp?

I've seen how to check if a file exists (file-exists-p), but how to check if a directory exists?
ideasman42's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Function that returns parent directory absolute path

(parent-dir "/home/sk/parent/ab.el") gives "/home/sk/parent" then, (parent-dir "/home/sk/parent") gives "/home/sk" Any elisp function as parent-dir that gives basepath for both file path &...
Saravana's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

What is the easiest way to open the folder containing the current file by the default explorer of the OS?

What is the easiest way to open the folder containing the current file by the default explorer of the OS (e.g. explorer.exe in the case of Windows OS)?
Name's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Recursively go up to find Makefile and compile

The problem with M-x compile is that if the Makefile isn't in the current directory, it fails. I'd like to have a function that recursively goes up to find a Makefile and run make from this directory....
Florian Margaine's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

How can I display the parent directory of the current file in the modeline?

I would like to be able to see the location of the current file's parent directory, independent of the current buffer name.
secondplanet's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Opening a new file whose parent directory doesn't exist yet

When opening a new file whose parent directory doesn't exist yet, I either open a shell window, or an Emacs shell buffer, and then mkdir the directory in it. I find this cumbersome. Is there an ...
Tim's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Expanding Dired to show subdirectories/files?

One of the biggest things I miss from other editors (e.g. Sublime, Intellij) is the ability to see the project structure, and expand/minimize directories as needed so I can see what I care about. Is ...
Andrew's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I have a second .dir-locals?

When collaborating on a project, certain editing variables are set to make sure everyone is producing a similar style of code. In Emacs, these are usually implemented as either file-local variables ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Quickly jump to favorite folders

What I actually want I have deep folder structures, and often use a dozen folders pretty far down the directory tree. In Nautilus, I use bookmarks to get to them quickly. I want the same thing in ...
UTF-8's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Does some command exist, which goes to the next file of the current directory?

I'm looking for a command inside Emacs. For example, you are currently in a directory. In the directory there are 2 files: foo.txt and bar.txt. I have foo.txt opened in Emacs and is being ...
ReneFroger's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Save all open files in current folder and subfolders

Some of my projects are organised in way that the there isn't one make file at the top route of the project (git/svn/...) folder but I have several small Makefiles in subfolders of the project. ...
kain88's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Nested File Autocompletion in Emacs?

I'm using emacs (technically: spacemacs with helm). It seems that any time I call a function which requires a directory, I am presented with something like the following: The problem: If I am in /a/...
George's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to quickly create a new directory without using dired-mode?

Whenever I've to create a new directory in emacs, I enter dired mode, press "+" and enter the new directory name which creates the new directory. Is there a way I can avoid using dired-mode and ...
Chakravarthy Raghunandan's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Setting default-directory does not change find-file directory

I try to set a default path for opening a file via C-x C-f by adding the following to my .emacs: (setq default-directory "~/some_dir/") However, after I launch Emacs in some directory, the find-file ...
MLister's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I recursively delete all empty directories?

That is, if I have -empty-dir-a/ -nonempty-dir-a/ -empty-dir-a/ -empty-dir-a/ file-a file-a file-b I would like -nonempty-dir-a/ file-a file-a file-b I'm aware that there are many OS-...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why/Does Org Mode requires all files in a single org-directory? Why not subfolders?

I am really confused why org mode doesn't accept subfolders. Refiling captures into subfolders doesn't work (doesn't see any files in subfolders). Org agenda doesn't work (same as refiling). Why is it ...
Daniel Krajnik's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to do a git clone using Magit in a directory which is not under version control?

Suppose I am in a folder called local-projects. Using the terminal, I can do: [pedro@system:~/quicklisp/local-projects]$ pwd /home/pedro/quicklisp/local-projects An important information to ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Emacs won’t access Documents directory on MacOS Big Sur

I am running Emacs 26.3 on MacOS 11.2.1 “Big Sur”. When I try to open the directory ~/Documents, it fails with the message “Listing directory failed but ‘access-file’ worked.” is given ...
Mikelis Bickis's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Count number of files with specific extension on a folder?

Let's say I'd like to know how many .png images I have in a folder. In shell I'd run: ls -1 | grep .png | wc -l Is there a way to achieve this in emacs (preferably not just reading in from a shell ...
Daniel's user avatar
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1 answer

How to specify the directory for file-exists/delete-file/byte-compile-file?

I thought it would be great to save a Elisp file (in my init), and it compiles automatically a byte-compile Elisp-file. So I wrote a function for this. (defun remove-elc-and-compile-on-save () ...
ReneFroger's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I set the default value for reading a directory name?

I have a folder hardcoded in variable: (defvar folder-start-mine "/path/to/start/folder/") Then I want to interactively define new non-existing subfolder name: (defun my-new-defun (sel-subdir) ...
Jure Sencar's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

query-replace on directory

How do I search&replace selected instances (in particular those occurring in strings, not in variable names – but using an equivalent of 'query-replace is safer and still fine, there should not be ...
Anaphory's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Quickly navigate through a cascade of otherwise empty directories in helm

I'd like to be able to quickly skip to the bottom of a cascade of otherwise empty directories. Consider the following directory structure: foo/ bar/ baz/ a.txt b.txt If I were in ...
tsj's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to make a temporary directory that gets deleted once the body is finished?

Is there a way to temporarily create a new directory, then remove it when the body of the code has finished? (with-temp-directory path (write-test-files-into path) (other-test-functions path)) ;...
ideasman42's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Current directory of Emacs in batch mode

I run Emacs in batch mode to execute some scripting actions. I'd like to get paths of files relative to where Emacs got started in batch mode: (file-relative-name (buffer-file-name) directory-where-...
Gracjan Polak's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can I stop Emacs from resetting default-directory every time I open a file?

If I: Start Emacs in my home directory (~) Find a file in the ~/Projects/ruby-play directory with C-x C-f Try to find another file with C-x C-f The default directory in the file finder will be ~/...
art-solopov's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Make emacs aware of updates to files and directories?

In Ubuntu, when I make change to directories or files outside emacs, it seems that emacs doesn't get the update. For example, C-x C-f can't track the current directory which was just moved elsewhere ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 answer

Selecting a directory like counsel-find-file

I would like to write a function that would prompt the user to select a directory, using an UI like that presented by counsel-find-file. The starting directory should be an arbitrary directory passed ...
izkon's user avatar
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2 votes
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Converting init file on Mac/Linux to Windows

I use a package called Deft that needs a directory to store and load files. To define this directory on Mac or GNU/Linux I use the following expression: (setq deft-directory "~/Dropbox/org") When ...
sbac's user avatar
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Starting Emacs from a USB stick: how to extract the drive letter assigned to the stick?

I have installed Emacs, with all its init files, on a USB stick for use on different PCs. The init files contains paths to the USB stick itself. The problem is that the drive letter assigned for the ...
myotis's user avatar
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Function that gets a subdirectory of user-emacs-directory

I remember reading about this function (it's part of Emacs) somewhere, but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called. It takes a single argument arg (not sure if there's any more optional ...
PythonNut's user avatar
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C-x C-f TAB TAB: Find file completion list: how to highlight subdirectories?

Often I'd like to open a file in a subdirectory. But poor me, I can't remember the name. So when typing C-x C-f and then TAB TAB for the completion list, the list of all files in this directory is ...
Keks Dose's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to quickly jump to a directory in emacs?

Say I have a project directory called "project". In the directory there are two directories "mini1" and "mini2". Suppose my active buffer is deep within a subdirectory in "mini1". Is there a way to ...
Prikshet Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Move a file to a directory in the filesystem with emacs lisp

What is the function to move files? I want to emulate the following shell command: mv file dir As described here, the closest is rename-file, but this would be emulating this: mv file newfile
blueFast's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the difference between contrib/lisp and lisp?

I have both of these folders for my load paths, what is the difference? ~/.emacs.d/contrib/lisp/ vs ~/.emacs.d/lisp/ What should I use one versus the other?
Adam Thompson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to format org-download's image saving directory(s)?

Suppose following org-file ( that has 2 images with inserted from org-download. * heading 1 #+DOWNLOADED: /tmp/xls/xl/media/image2_stage2.png @ 2023-02-24 17:36:38 [[file:...
Garid's user avatar
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1 answer

Troubleshooting: changing default folder in .emacs not working

I am trying to make emacs start on the folder where all my orgfiles are saved. I achieved this in my windows machine by changing the "Start In" field of the shortcut properties, as suggested in this ...
brodoll's user avatar
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1 answer

In DirEd, how can I copy the directory path of a filename?

I have this function (defun my/dired-copy-dirname-as-kill () "Copy the current directory into the kill ring." (interactive) (kill-new default-directory)) , but this only copies the ...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
1 vote
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Open the directory of currently opened file using the OS's file explorer

This is essentially the same question as this one. But the accepted answer there opens Dired for me in Emacs 28 while previously it opened Caja. Could someone offer a fix? I tried commenting there but ...
scribe's user avatar
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How delete folder named "build" in all subfolders?

Emacs 26.1, Dired+, Windows 10 Suppose I has the next dir tree: myproject myproject\app\ myproject\app\build myproject\app\src myproject\lib\build myproject\lib\src myproject\lib2\build myproject\...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a better way to write this?

I'm walking a directory tree upwards from default-directory in a loop, so I need a way to say "take the last component off this path that ends in a slash and return a result that ends in a slash". The ...
genehack's user avatar
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1 answer

Append to exec-path the absolute file names of directories that match a regexp?

As explained here, by (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("/sw/bin"))) one can append the directory name /sw/bin to exec-path. Is it possible to append to exec-path the absolute file names of all ...
Name's user avatar
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Drag the weblink of a file to a dired folder to save in that folder

Assume that I am visiting a folder (directory) on my system by M-x dired in Emacs. Also assume that I am visiting a webpage like by the default web ...
Name's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I use jump?

I found this package for the bash shell that lets you quickly jump between commonly used folders: I use it all the time now. Jump uses fuzzy matching to find the ...
Hunter's user avatar
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0 answers

How to get tilde and plus working with the eshell's directory stack

In zsh, when one creates a directory stack with pushd, one is able to reference directories in the stack using a tilde followed by the numerical index of the respective directory in the stack. One ...
izkon's user avatar
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0 answers

How to mount/unmount devices?

I'm interested in mounting/umounting usb and other devices directly from emacs. In many file managers (like nautilus) the devices are automatically discovered and indicated with an icon, it's possible ...
Francesco Cadei's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Printing a list of folders which has been modified today

Is there any way to export a list of folder names which has been modified today using a dired mode or any other package on emacs
Vaibhav's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I save the current Unix working directory in a variable?

I know I can run M-x pwd which will give me Directory ~/ or something like that. Can I get it without the "Directory" bit? Thank you very much.
art-solopov's user avatar