Questions tagged [display]

is for Emacs display features, which includes scrolling, fonts, colors, and placement of text or images.

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0 votes
0 answers

Unpredictable Emacs echo area flashing on new message

Unpredictible Emacs echo area flashing on new message I am using my own fork of emacs-mini-modeline. It's a package that displays text message and modeline content in the echo area, to save space ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to set display margins for markdown-mode buffers?

Is there a way to set the display margins for markdown-mode buffers? I've read and various suggested solutions but ...
26 votes
1 answer

How do I set up font fallback in a robust way?

TL;DR: What's a simple way to reliably say: use Consolas as the default font, FreeMono for the characters unsupported by Consolas, and Symbola for characters unsupported by both? Since my main ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I display only current png and hide others in org-mode?

I have a lot of inline images and I want to disply only 1 in buffer and hide others while viewing. With M-x org-toggle-inline-images I can do this for the entire buffer, but it's too much for me. So, ...
0 votes
2 answers

Underline issue with Inconsolata font

I'm using Inconsolata font in emacs. The setting looks like (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font (font-spec :name "-*-Inconsolata-bold-italic-normal-*-*-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1" ...
1 vote
1 answer

emacs display layout for windows of bottom and right sides

With the following code, emacs split sides windows like: ;; ------------------------------------- ;; | | * | ;; | | h | ;; | ...
0 votes
1 answer

Display emacs from linux (ubuntu) on Mac

I'm SSHing from my macbook into an ubuntu server. I have emacs installed in both places. So far I've found 3 ways to deal with this, and none of them are optimal: run emacs on the ubuntu in the ...
14 votes
2 answers

Org mode: is it possible to display ONLINE images?

Assuming I want to have an org buffer in which I can preview images from url which I don't want to store on my hard drive - is there a possibility to use a solution similar to org links and display ...
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0 answers

Emacs ignores display-fill-column-indicator-character settings

I have these settings in my init.el: (global-display-fill-column-indicator-mode 1) (setq-default fill-column 120) (setq-default display-fill-column-indicator t) (setq-default display-fill-column-...
0 votes
3 answers

Method separators

Does anybody know of a function/package/etc. to draw visual separators between "high-level" blocks of code, like class and function definitions? Similar to the horizontal lines in these ...
0 votes
1 answer

Adding some padding for LaTeX fragments in Org mode

When writing in Org mode, I have a minor pet peeve where the Org document becomes too "cramped", and so I like to add newlines separating the equations from the text, like this: * Very ...
0 votes
0 answers

Font fallback breaks fixed-pitched grid

I'm looking for a way to achieve strict monospace alignment in Emacs, even when font fallback happens. There are various fallback fonts available for displaying icons in terminals, for example https://...
0 votes
0 answers

indentation and syntax highlighting stops working randomly

Every now and when emacs indentation and syntax highlighting stops working. This seems to affect all modes that I'm using (primarily org-mode,ess-mode and emacs-lisp-mode), and manifests itself in ...
1 vote
1 answer

font scaling on multiple monitors with different scalings

I have a 4k laptop display and dual 1920x1200 external monitors, one rotated vertically so emacs can have a million lines in view. Font scaling is set to 200% on the laptop display and 100% on the ...
116 votes
9 answers

How can I get a ruler at column 80?

As a programmer, I want to see a ruler at a specific column (usually 80), both so I see when I cross that column, but also to see how close I am getting to it so I can reformat my code early. The ...
9 votes
2 answers

Determine whether a frame is shown on primary display

I have a multi-monitor setup, in which a specific monitor has a dedicated Emacs frame in full screen which shows compiler errors (from Compilation Mode or SBT Mode). I'd like to preserve the setup ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there any way (built-in or not) to display a sub-tree as a top level tree when narrowed?

When I narrow to a subheading in emacs, I would love for it to be displayed as if it was the top level as opposed to it staying the level it actually is. For example consider this tree * Heading 1 ** ...
1 vote
1 answer

word replacements with prettify-symbols-mode

I am writing a feature that changes the displaying of certain words as is done in texinfo-mode, where greek syntax \alpha is displayed as the actual greek symbol α. The implementation uses prettify-...
0 votes
1 answer

Accents not rendering properly over greek letters in GUI mode

I noticed that (at the moment) accents are not properly positioned over Greek letters, for example the greek Letter pi (Unicode 03C0) with a combining circumflex accent (Unicode 0302) (used a lot in ...
1 vote
1 answer

meaning of a red dot on border of window

This entry was created using org-capture and removing 'TODO'. I wonder why it shows a red dot in the lhs.
3 votes
2 answers

Emacs Lisp to view text file like a table

I'd like to write a mode, or at least some Lisp functions, to view a tab-separated file like a table. What I mean is lines like this: foo\t123\tbar yabba dabba\t12345\treally long field here Should ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to show CamelCase names as hyphened or underscored names?

I have some complicated code with variables that use CamelCase. Would it be possible to display such variables with a hyphen (-) or underscore (_), but without modifying the actual text in the buffer....
1 vote
1 answer

Possible to modify 'whitespace-display-mappings' at runtime?

Making changes to whitespace-display-mappings while emacs runs doesn't seem to do anything. (setq whitespace-display-mappings '( (space-mark 32 [183] [46]) ; middle-dot (tab-mark 9 [9654 9] [...
0 votes
0 answers

ibuffer: how to wrap a column?

One of my ibuffer entries looks like this : Readme.txt<somepa... some_path_that_is_actually_super_duper_mega_giga_long_like_way_too_long/Readme.txt This spills over the fringe and I can't read ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to remove the visual vertical bars for Python files?

I am using Emacs 27.2 on a Mac OS with Steve Purcell's configuration. I have got some visual vertical bars for Python files. How can they be removed?
1 vote
3 answers

How to move the time and date displayed in the tab-bar a couple of character to the left

I would like to move the time and date displayed in the tab-bar a couple of characters to the left, so that the time is not completely on the edge of the screen. Here is the relevant code : (setq tab-...
1 vote
1 answer

RTL text with left alignment and reversed line wrapping in Org mode

Consider the following two files, identical but for the filename: $ md5sum emacs-test-file.txt 43305dbeb954094f63709b2889fc8e02 emacs-test-file.txt ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why an external monitor changes emac's frame text size?

I recently migrated to emacs 27 up from 24 (new machine running on Ubuntu 20.04, up from 16.04). When connecting (or unplugging) the laptop to an external monitor, emacs fails to adapt text size to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Find the name of the graphical display emacs is running on

I run emacs using a server and multiple clients on both, the graphical display and the terminal. To use the same configuration files for terminal and graphical display, I used this solution. The issue ...
1 vote
1 answer

Set Consistent line spacing, irrespective of bold or underlines etc

I current have set the current line number face to be bold: `(line-number-current-line ((,class (:foreground "#4F4F4F" :background "#00CC00" :bold t)))) When I move the cursor between lines, there ...
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0 answers

Buffer display issue with unicode characters on WSL2

I have a file with a single Unicode character in it: 🕯 (Unicode character CANDLE, codepoint 128367, #o372557, #x1f56f). When I open this file via emacs -Q and hit C-l, the display buffer has issues. ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to disable Emacs bidi?

I want to disable Emacs from ever displaying text right-to-left (i.e. ignore Unicode control sequences to change text orientation). How to do it?
0 votes
1 answer

Getting R to Display Graphs in Emacs Window

There are some old threads asking about getting R to display its graphics in an emacs window (e.g. ESS plot directly to an Emacs buffer?) and the ESS manual says, 11.6.2 Using ESS with windowing ...
2 votes
1 answer

Characters in unicode-smp charset have no glyphs in Emacs 27.1, debian buster, using MesloLGS NF font

I'm using Gnu Emacs 27.1 GTK on Debian 10 from buster-backports. I'm also using the MesloLGS NF font that ships with zsh powerlevel10k, and has a heck of a lot of unicode characters. Nonetheless, ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to scale toolbar on HiDPI (4K) display on Microsoft Windows?

My laptop display is 3840x2160 and has about a 15" diagonal. My setting to "Change the size of text and apps" is set to Windows's recommendation of 250%. The title bar, text in the ...
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0 answers

Why can't I create a full-width overlay and display in the margins at the same time?

I want to create an overlay (or, to avoid X-Y problems, a multicolored, multilayered, visually distinct line at an arbitrary position that cannot be removed, like a page-break) that spans the entire &...
0 votes
1 answer

Display Δ in the *Shell Command Output* Buffer

I have a shell command I'm running from Emacs that has a Δ character in its output. How can I configure the *Shell Command Output* buffer to display UTF-8 by default? edit: There could also be ...
0 votes
0 answers

WSL: emacs gui won't start

I'm on Windows 10 Pro 10.0.21337 (windows insider program) and installed WSL with Ubuntu 20.04. From within ubuntu I said apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install emacs dpkg -l emacs -> ||/ ...
5 votes
3 answers

Change fill-column-indicator rule color immediately

How can I change the color of the fill-column-indicator and have the changes visible immediately? (defun my:change-fci-color (color) (setq fci-rule-color color) (fci-redraw-frame)) The previous ...
1 vote
0 answers

Workaround bug#45038: 27.1; blank display

My setup: Emacs 27.1 under Ubuntu 20.04 from Kevin Kelley's PPA, and configured to use ligatures with the JetBrains Mono fonts, as described here. I experiencing Bug#45038 27.1; blank display, or ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to get the display dimensions of the display emacs is in?

I tried querying the display width using: (display-pixel-width) however this reports the pixel width of my external monitor instead of the laptop's display, where emacs is. Is there a way to show the ...
4 votes
0 answers

How do you force the width of a fallback font to be the same as the one of the main font, assuming monospace fonts?

I use Emacs with monospace fonts, and I would like all the characters to have the same width, which is the purpose of monospace fonts. The issue is that the main font may not support all the ...
3 votes
2 answers

Move point inside of image overlay

I'm trying to create a realtime/WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX fragments -- the general idea is that at each move of point / edit of the fragment, the overlay should update to reflect the newly changed ...
14 votes
2 answers

Align columns in Org mode table with Japanese fonts

How can I mix Japanese and English in the same org-mode table (that uses fixed-width fonts)? Something like: | m m m m m m | | | はどう デシウ | | | ハーフ | ハーフ | won't align. ...
12 votes
2 answers

How can I suppress emacs' cursor moving into the empty last line of a file?

One of vim's quirks is that it doesn't show an empty line at the end of a file if the file ends with the newline character. This way, if the file doesn't end with a newline, the display is the same, ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to print escaped characters with princ

When Emacs shows an integer value in the minibuffer, or as an output to IELM, it shows three representations of it -- octal, hex and as character: ELISP> 10 10 (#o12, #xa, ?\C-j) This is really ...
3 votes
0 answers

Adding Purpose to Layout Of Emacs

The rigidity to which emacs adheres to its layout is annoying at times. How can i get a layout like this when I shift to the particular modes? +------------------+-----------+ | | ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is it possible to add visual padding around a character?

Is it possible to add visual padding around a variable width character (generally too, I suppose)? I've looked into using propertize and buffer-display-table to accomplish this, but every solution ...
0 votes
0 answers

Incorrect pixel count returned on retina display

I am running Emacs 26.3 on a 15" MacBook Pro with Retina display. While Emacs renders razor sharp on my screen, it does not seem to be aware of my correct pixel count. E.g., #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (...
1 vote
1 answer

Connect open and close delimiters with a line

I wonder if emacs has something similar to this VSCode extension (Bracket Pair Colorizer 2) which does the following (screenshot below) which I find is a really helpful UI enhancement [ In the above ...